The what if in everyone's life
Good day fellow hivers,
I have come into your homes with another exciting episode of what if, an episode I started years back. But I just don’t know, I feel so funny inside and a thin line which drew me closer to writing the what if story again.
What if you are to wake up one day and you saw that all the money you have gathered in life, moving to and fro and working your ass out were all just dreams and nothing else. Will you feel good about it as starting all those toll again or you are going to feel bad to consider it as a waste of time in your life for building up all those worth for nothing to a life you might never get that opportunity again.

What if you are to wake up one day then you realize that the woman you have being living with all this while was a ghost who lost her life in a mass accident that was published in the newspapers. Would you feel happy for yourself for all the help and pampering she gave you whenever you were stressed out, or you will feel worst for sleeping and waking up with a ghost you felt sympathy for the very day she died.
What if you are to wake up one day then you see yourself as the only person here on earth with tress and animals all over you like we heard from the story of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Would you feel happy because you and only you have total assess and control over all the animals we have in the world here, or you would feel bad for not having anyone of your trait to talk to and also to share memories with.

What if you are to wake up one day then from nowhere, you can’t type or say anything out loud just signs. Would you be happy because you will not stress yourself with blogging and anything you used to do with your lovely fingers or you will be feeling bad because you won’t be able to reply or tell your cycle of friends over the internet those fun words to keep each one laugh out like it were their last laughs.
What if you were to wake up one day and discovered that there was not going to be night in the universe again, just day. Would you be happy you will get the chance to work harder than you used to because of sleeps or you would be say because you would miss sleeping, bed time stories and the night fest you always used to plan or chair.
Time will only let me end here,join in with your what if under as a comment and let's keep the fun up. So until then thanks for your valuable time.
I remain your humble servant
This is a fantastic post on a number of amazing hypotheticals, but your post is off topic for the #oneup gaming tribe. Please do not use the oneup tag for off topic posts in the future. Thank you for your understanding.