The Man in the High Castle - Philip K
This was such a drag to get through and I'm glad that it was relatively short. I dont really know what to say about this. Had to read the Wikipedia page because I surely did not get some of what happened. This is probably not an intellectual review but this book was absolutely not for me. I get that it is a classic and that the language isnt exactly modern. I can deal with that.
But it was just so often so confusing and I am glad I speak German, I guess it might have been even more confusing without that.
I did not care at all about the whole counterfeit-jewellery-"this is special jewellery which can start a spiritual awakening" thing. I did not understand all the fascination with the I Ching. Was that like a new religion? I did read something about it so I know what it is; I just wonder how it came that almost everyone in the book seemed to adjust their lives according to it.
I didnt like a single character in this, many interactions felt unnatural, I often did not understand their motivations. Except maybe Childan who seemed mostly greedy, and racist. I can get understand these character traits. But all the others? Why did Juliana leave Frank to begin with?
I guess there is a lot of symbolism or deeper meanings but this book just left me tired. The worldbuilding is great and could have been so promising. But I was not interested in any of the characters that live in that world. The end seemed to imply that the "true world" is the one in which the US, England, Russia won the war, like in our world, but that something went wrong.. maybe?, but I didnt understand what that then means for the world the book is set in. Maybe I am searching for an explanation like "parallel worlds gone wrong!" when there is no explanation like that, and it is just a thought experiment.
well. I guess I at least finished it and can say that I read it. Hooray!