I'm back on top of the world!
I spent some time today playing with my dCity tokens in the hot Florida weather - its nice to be able to drink a beer and click buttons and feel like an esports master.
dCity is definitely a game, if a game means that game theory is involved. Its just a numbers game, less about reaction time and hand eye coordination and more about, well numbers.
Now @jelly13 is the dCity president again, and I'm back on top of the world - the best - at least as measured by the amount of ranking rewards the players are getting.
The top category for ranking rewards is INCOME and, this is where jelly comes into play, when there is no income, only tax rebates factor in to the equation. And as the self-declared top citizen miner, I am on top of it.
Long ago when dCity was hot, I decided I would focus on strategies around second and third order effects in dCity, I didn't just stick to SIM income. These strategies have really paid off and I am still going strong on dCity and having a lot of fun.
When education was underpriced, I bought a lot of it, and perhaps was one of the top tech miners at one time, and because of this I got (I think) the most students from the airdrop. And I continue to stay ahead of the curve with my citizen mining strategies, here's one for you to look at:
As jelly likes to set the war tax at maximum, the effectiveness of citizen mining is at its lowest, this particular city only has a 'tick' of 9% chance ever 2 hours. I am still interpreting the great napkin math put forth by jelly here, we can see that this gives us about a 54.40% chance per day (over long time frames) to mine a citizen.
With homeless going for 250 sim, immigrants going for 230 sim (???) and students going for 1991 sim (or 1000 sim on the limited student HIVE sales), we can calculate an average miner reward at 823 sim or 493 sim, depending on how we consider the 'true' price of students. @gerber did say he would open up the HIVE sale again at a later date, maybe just to see if anyone wanted to try to pay to compete with me.
With jelly's math we can more accurately calculate a yearly estimated ROI for citizen mining with this city at 25.1%, or 15.03% at the special sale price for students. Whether this is down to a more natural level or this means that some of the cards involved are overpriced, I will leave to each of your to decide.
But we can't forget about ranking rewards either, where the creativity involved is also earning this city something everyday:
While ranking rewards are destined to fall over time (or are they?), we can calculate a spot ROI based on a year as follows:
(0.225*365)/0.00052 = 157932 sim equivalent per year, yielding another 24.25% ROI on this city valued at 651055 sim.
It also mines background cards but I won't bore you with the details of what surely is a low number, except for LAKE the cards are hardly worth even working with the market UI for. Although you never know when a new use case may be implemented.
Just for fun, let's see what backgrounds this city has mined since I put it to work....
No LAKE, but new tokens are of necesity worth greather than 0, they even have a small burn value in SIM.
I also stocked up on job center cards when they were cheap, as a special property card they fell under one of my strategies and I came to be the top job center holder, and thus top trainer of homeless and immigrant cards.
Using my multiple trainings per day, but keeping only a medium number of homeless and immigrants stocked, I'm able to maximize my chances to create 'weird' citizens, workers with creativity, artists with education, creative scientists and all the varieties therein.
This keeps me having fun and I have even engaged in a recent trade for some workers with education.
I haven't had much success (besides the recent trade) in marketing these 'weird' citizens back into money/SIM, but they are able bodied citizens able to give additional boosts to my main city or any of my alt-suburbs.
This really is a fun game with many hidden secrets!
I don't have the biggest bankroll or card stack, that honor goes to @d-pend, but as he is out hiking the trail of Santiago de Compostela, he likely won't have much time to rearrange his city over the next few weeks. @steemshiro does his best to compete with me, but while taxes are over 111%, I am king of the tax rebates and there is not much that can be done to stop me.
I have to check the additional rankings tab to see areas where I can still improve, and in fact, I am a distant 4th in War Shares, where the legendary @jelly13 is on the top of the heap.
Most of my new war shares are currently coming from paying off student debt and getting soldiers, I suppose my next goal should be hitting 4 digit war shares - this is definitely a category where I am still lagging far behind 3 top players.
dCity is a broad enough game where many people can feel like winners and champions, just depends on how you look at it!
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
Holy cow.. this is amazing. lol
I log in once a week and click some things. And you are doing all this! lol hahaha
It looks like you're doing amazingly well. Isn't the war shares only available through a building that went out of print? I don't really remember but I recall hearing someone mention that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Military base has two war shares and is from third edition, and the soldier has 0.1 war share. the original MIC card is out of print, yes.
It was hot for sure, the beer was nice and cold I hope!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cold and delicious!
Very nice to go back to the top but maintaining it is the most fun thing, dcity game and its symbols made me become smart in life issues.
I like games that have a positive impact.
I guess I will just store cards now until I find the time to mine them, the ROI showed is nice but how can we improve it?
The way to improve it is to get the cards for cheaper than the estimated value says. You can do this by travelling in the 4th dimension, like I did, or using the bidding mechanism on the market UI and waiting until someone dumps them to you.
You can use different cards than I did, finding the 'cheapest' popularity or creativity (or any stat). My.last strategy is to buy out whole cities at a discount.
I wish I could actually be bothered to play this game.. cos the rewards look nice..
but the rewards are about the only interesting thing this game has for me.
Its not a game for everyone, more like gamified portfolio management.
yea... my mouth is watering for the rewards tho.. but the game is not for me :((