Kickstarter is moving onto the blockchain?!
What does this MEAN!? It says they're moving to blockchain, I wonder if that means they're going to drop cash altogether or do some kind of hybrid structure. Will Kickstarter create its own Kickstarter coin? Is there a Hive ambassador we can send out on a voyage to broker a partnership between Hive and Kickstarter? Hive is already doing the things Kickstarter is hoping to do.
They'll probably go to etherium because of the name recognition and they will regret it 😂
Damn, I'd probably rather they invent their own thing than do that, haha.
Anyone can start their own blockchain, but if it's not actually decentralised then that doesn't mean much. If the company can still control who uses it and can undo transactions then it's just a less efficient database. It's a buzzword that gets tossed around a lot. I expect Facebook would like their own currency, but could we trust them with it?