Taken /Busqueda Implacable (Daily Quest)


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Hello friends of splinterlands, today a reward was made using the snipe cards, it was very difficult, because it was farmed all day and the rent of the cards ended, the Rsi was very low, but fortunately I managed to complete the reward, at some point I thought that would go down to bronze III because I am over 1K ranking.
Hola amigos de splinterlands, hoy se realizo una recompensa utilizando las tarjetas snipe, estuvo muy dificil, porque se farmeo todo el dia y la renta de las tarjetas se termino, el Rsi quedo muy bajo, pero afortunadamente logre complertar la recompensa, en algun momento pense que bajaria a bronce III porque estoy sobre 1K de ranking.


Diseño sin título (4).png

I managed to open two chests in the reward and I got two common gargoya cards and a water pelacor I think it is a very good reward considering that it could have been a formula that would not have any use.

Logre abrir dos cofres en la recompensa y obtuve dos tarjetas comunes gargola y un pelacor de agua creo que es muy buena recompensa considerando que pudo haber sido una formula que no tendria ninguna utilidad.
