SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB - Should I Get Back To 100% HP Rewards now?


Image By Grok-X AI

Hi Everyone

Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post, it is a club activity where all of us here sharing our saving goals and saving updates. We are entering the month of February 2025 and this is my saving update post for the sixth week.

I hate the current Hive/Usdt price graph right now, because it is exactly on the borderline. I have a plan that if HIVE rises above 0,33 , I will set 50% HBD rewards. If hive price drops below 0,33, the author rewards is 100% HP.

But what about now, Hive is exactly on the borderline. This condition gives me a headache, whether I should choose to go back for 100% HP author rewards or not. Because it can be interpreted that I could go both because both are right, or both are wrong so what ever I choose I will be wrong


I have decided I will go for the safest one, it is 100% HP rewards. This is actually bad for me, because I am aiming HBD as my primary goal and this means I will negate all my organic HBD income from author rewards.

However I beleive this is the best way I should go now. Most of the time HIVE will go down more frequent than going up. So expecting a price drop is not wrong at all, although I have to admit it sounds a bit bad like expecting bad thing to happens.

So let's hope HIVE won't be bad next week. so I can start getting back to 50:50 HBD and HP author rewards plan.

Now let's see my update here..


My primary goal is to grow my $HBD Saving, to reach 5.000 $HBD Saving in this year, 2025. That is an ambitious target regarding I started 2025 with 0 $HBD. Mathematically this means I need to get $95 HBD every week.

I have got 100 HBD in my saving. This is my first mini milestone to achieve 5.000 HBD this year, which is to hit the first 3 digit saving. The next mini milestone should be 500 HBD, which is a benchmark about how fast or how quick I get 400 HBD.

I know I still far from my target, it is about 4.895 HBD away from the goal. There is no way I could finish this saving target relying on author reward only, however I am still in bad condition and need all the money I have now to support other people life.

I just lost an old man, I even did not have enough time to mourn for him. And now I already struggled to support other people life..

Well, that's life anyway, sometime you are in deep shit. Just keep your spirit up, believe that one day the storm will be over.


I added 20 $HBD savings this week. it is not something that great but it is still good to have your saving growing week by week. I do not add extra HBD other from Author Reward regarding I do not have proper time to explore more in the second layer market, to get more HIVE of course.


Hive Power (HP) is very important for all Hivers who plan to stay long on this blockchain. For 2025, my secondary goal is to have 13.500 Hive Power (HP). It's not a big target and I want to make as many people realize that it is important to grow your Hive Power.

I have reached 10.544 HP on this saturday, so I have around 2.956 HP left to achieve if I want to reach my 2025 secondary goal here. My recap for 2025 secondary saving target update is here:

My growth is not somewhat great, even I do not think it is decent anyway. However eventhough recently I am struggling in making post due to limited time and over fatigue condition, I see my growth is quite steady.

Will I hit 13.500 HP this year? I am still optimistic about it, yes I will reach that number later this year.

Anyway That closes my post for this week. Happy Saving guys!


Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

See you next Saturday...

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@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany Voting Service
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@ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany Voting Service
