Cracking open some Funko Star Trek NFT packs!
Surprisingly, I'm back already with another post on the latest NFT drop done by toy company, Funko. If you've been following me for the last year or so, then you've probably seen at least one post of me talking about this vinyl garbage that I'm addicted to. I've been collecting their physical toys for the last 3-4 years, and although I'm not the ultimate alpha omega chad of collecting with 7400 Pops! taking up my entire house and personality, I would definitely say I'm more of a fan than not of their products. (Though, they do make a lot of absolute trash and milk the fuck out of everything. Lazy fuckers.) And, now, they're hopping into the NFT game along with other toy companies. And, it's been interesting to watch, to say the least.
Yesterday marked the first redemption phase of their NFT's, where they sent out tokens that could be redeemed for a limited, physical product. It was for their TMNT drop, of which I had one redeemable. And, it's looking like it would be about 3 months before they even begin to ship them out to everyone. The process itself was super simple to do. And, now I just have to wait. I'm very curious on what they're going to do with the products, like if they're going to update the piece counts on them since none of the redeemables were fully unboxed, so hundreds of them will be destroyed now. I guess only time will tell, but, that's not why I'm here today. Today, I'm here to talk about the most underwhelming NFT drop they've done to date, babyyy.
So, yeah. Funko's most recent NFT drop was Star Trek themed. And, reactions were pretty poor all across social media for the most part. The Star Trek fan base seemed to be against NFT's in general, as it goes against the messages of the show and I guess they feel like the spirit of the series got bukkaked on or something. The Funko crowd likewise wasn't really interested in this drop like they were for past ones, especially in comparison to the previous Halloween drop which had a ton of hype around it. I kind of attribute this to the fact that most people who love the original Star Trek series are older folks, most of which probably don't understand NFT's or cryptocurrency in general. Still, it wasn't the worst in terms of hype for drops, I would say Frich's Big Boy Funko drop was probably much worse. And, Iron Maiden's was pretty comparable in terms of hype.
So, lets talk about the drop and the products themselves. The drop itself worked fine at first, you get in like and the queue randomizes your place at a certain time. They made an excessive amount of packs this time around, and, I think it took close to an hour to sell out. Which is quite a long time, in comparison to the Halloween drop that sold out in about 25-30 minutes, IIRC. Afterwards though, it become a mess with pack openings being turned off for hours. It seems like every drop they fuck this up and are never prepared, which is pretty annoying and evident in my video. But, moving on. I'll be totally upfront and honest, I don't like Star Trek very much. I have only seen clips from the old show and the rebooted series. Star Trek has never really interested me, though I don't think they're bad shows or anything. I think they influenced a lot of sci-fi work and admire the philosophical take they went with. None of it just made me wanna play with my nipples though, if you know what I mean.
The redeemable pops in this set do have one special feature that is currently getting its dick sucked non stop by the hoards of Funko fans, and that is they're all black light glow painted. Every pop in this drop is black light glow themed, which is literally all that Funko fans jerk off over currently. I have a few myself that I like, though, I think this shit is getting milked to hell and becoming way overhyped. The characters are all popular people from the show, such as Captain Kirk and Spock. But, I went into this drop solely with the mindset of completing the royalty collection. This is because you get a Freddy Funko Pop! for the redeemable, and, the love people have for the Freddy Funko mascot is ridiculous. In my opinion, this is the only physical redeemable in the collection that I think will gain massive value over time, once it's in hand. Not only is it a limited (2422 available, however, I highly doubt it will have more than 1500 redeemed) Freddy Funko pop of him playing a semi popular character, but it's the first Freddy Funko that is black light themed which I think will help as well.

I'm not Funko guru, mostly because I'm not a 42 year old neckbeard with blankets hung up around my house depicting a wolf howling at the moon, or a tiger roaring in the jungle. But, I do think I have a mostly solid idea of how to read the market on pops and potential values. And, Black Light Freddy Funko as Captain Kirk seems like it will be a pop worth $300-450 6 months to a year after it actually is in collectors hands. Considering you can complete a royalty collection for around $130 right now, I definitely feel like this is a sleeper grail. The Spock is the grail for this set, and he's the only other pop I see holding high value since he's currently going for around $180-200. He's much more limited than the other pops, with only 999 available. And, Spock is a popular character in terms of Star Trek. There has been a "limited" Spock pop that dropped a few months ago that is still in stock currently on Funko Shop, which leads me to believe there isn't an insane amount of collectors going crazy for him.
I think with the Spock pop, the most he'll go for is $200-300 6-12 months after they actually drop, as he is currently going for around $180 in NFT form. I could be wrong there, but, I think I'll probably be right on the money. The rest of the redeemables in this set are much more widely available, leaving most of them to not have huge price tags tacked on. I should mention that prices have settled down a bit since the recording of the video below. Pretty much all of the NFT prices have deflated about 25-40 percent since I edited the video together. That includes all rarities, not just the redeemables. I think it's due to a mix of the lack of reception/hype for the set, as well as the increased number of packs compared to previous drops. Still, limited piece count pops will always be worth a bit of money. So, I imagine the prices on these will not fall much more, and will probably gain a bit once the physical items drop.
But, enough of my stupid fucking yapping. Just watch me open up some packs and see what I get, you degenerates.
If you're at all interested in opening up some of these packs, you can find them on atomichub. Currently, the prices on packs has fallen down so much that they're actually cheaper than they were during the actual drop if you include in taxes and fees. I'm assuming the low value to the redeemable pops and the vast amount of packs has caused this. So, if you want any of this or want to go for the royalty set, now is a good time :)
Until next time, doods! Later!