Splinterlands Rewards for Apr 4 ~ Today I Hit the Jackpot! Come See What I Got!


Hello and Greetings, Splinterlanders! I hope you are all having a wonderful and fantastic day.

Today I had a Dragon Quest[1]. I have a lot of dragon cards, but I don't have high dragon summoners, making this quest on the tougher side. But I made it through! Let's look at my earnings.

Let's start with the...

Reward Cards

Finally my luck brought me something decent.


It may not be a GFL, but a GF epic may be the next best thing.

Next, that brings us to the...

Battle Rewards

These were down, but still decent.

Finally, let's look at the...

Rental Income

This is also down, but only by 10 or so. As I was looking through my rented cards, I see prices have gone up quite a bit today. As a result, I canceled a lot and will relist them when they expire. That should result in my earnings going back up in a day or two.


Taken all together, that comes to $12.675. Not too bad for under an hour's work.

Well, that's all for me today. Hope you guys did even better! Let me know in the comments when you got. Till next time, remember—keep stacking!

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