dCity - Students and Tax Refunds



This week my eyes were opened in a big way regarding STUDENTS and TAX REFUNDS

I was moving along earning 9 SIM per day and then I got notified that one of my residents changed their profession from Student to Student Debt.

Resident changed profession to Student debt.PNG

At first I thought this was a good thing since Students change to Students with debt than can be upgraded to other Citizens within your dCity.

Students Training info.PNG

However since my earnings dropped big time from 9 SIM per day to 3 SIM per day, I knew there was something else going on that I needed to research.

I had added the Student to my dCity to get the "Tax Refund" as I researched the difference between Student and Student (debt) NFTs I found the following in the Tax Refund section.

Yes, a Student NFT receives 1 tax refund where a Student (debt) NFT gives you a negative 1 tax refund. Due to this change in resident, I lost my tax refund plus I taxed more because of the negative tax refund. Not a good thing to happen.

Student to Student debt changed Tax Refund.PNG

I need to get rid of the negative tax refund. Under the "Students Training" section it states that I can upgrade a Students (debt) NFT for 100 SIM per card. I think I will do this.

Under the Dashboard menu, there is a selection for "Student Debt", click this to get to the upgrade screen.

Convert student debt card.PNG

Once you get to the Student Debt screen, you will need to select the number of cards you would like to convert. Since I only have one, that is the number I entered into the box. Then you click on the "+" sign to move the cards into the selected card area.

Student debt conversion.PNG

Once you clicked on the "+", it will reflect the total it will cost to pay off your Student's Debt. In my case it is 100 SIM.

Selected Student debt.PNG

I was notified the Student (debt) card has been changed to a Worker card.

Student debt changed to worker.PNG

I guess my dCity is ever changing and does not stand still waiting for me to make decisions. I will need to pay more attention to how to influence these changes that are occurring so that it does not impact my earnings as much in the future.


around 56k Students with debt already which at actual price 100 SIM per Student gives 5.6M SIM virtual debt
