Legendary Carnage Titan to Level 2! - Splinterlands Gladius & CL Packs Opening and Giveaway #55

Welcome to the newest Splinterlands Packs opening video! When I saw the date of the last Splinterlands opening packs post, I didn't feel well! :) It has been 2 months from the last one!!! And before that, I was doing these videos every second week, which was a nice schedule... Anyway, life happened and I had to make some sacrifices, but I will make it up and come back to my routine!

Splinterlands Gladius and CL Packs Opening and Giveaway 55.png
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As I had that much time, I accumulated a lot of MERITs, which means I had more funds to buy GLADIUS CASEs... So, this time, I have opened 10 Gladius Cases at once and only 3 Chaos Legion packs (yes, I still have a lot of them... :) )... To be honest, I expected a lot from Gladius cards, but in the end, I was able to level up only 2 cards... The main reason for that is because I have already leveled up some cards a lot and I need 40-50, or even more cards to accumulate to level them more up!

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Screenshot from the game

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Screenshot from the game

So, this time, from the Gladius edition, I have leveled up the gold-foiled Orella Abadon card to level 3, where it got +1 Attack, and Palidon Rakk to Level 5, where it got +1 Life!

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Screenshot from the game

On the other side, I have opened only 3 CL packs and I was able to level up legendary Carnage Titan to Level 2, where it +1 Attack!

All in all, you already caught up with the highlights of this opening... In total, I opened 10 Gladius Cases and 3 Chaos Legion packs, and I got 1 legendary card, 1 epic, and 2 gold-foil NFTs! Not bad at all!

Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, You check the video, find the question inside the video, and answer it in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Splinterlands video! If your Splinterlands username is different, please put it down in the comment!

(Unsupported https://odysee.com/$/embed/@SplinterlandsGuy:1/Splinterlands-Gladius-and-CL-Packs-Opening-and-Giveaway-55:1?r=EtCZhJxUES3qmfsNzxXkw17q9rzKx4tN)

Check out the video for more details!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!


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Thank you for the card. I was actually surprised when I got a card out of nowhere. Congrats on the Carnage Titan as well. Count me in for the GF Riftwing please. IGN outwars


GF Riftwing

