Splinternews & Updates !!!!!! ( Card Giveaway !!! )
Hey everyone CryptoCrazyness here with another update with the new updated happenings with not only Splinterlands but the quest I myself have set out on and how I’m doing and plan to go from here..!!! I also will be doing another giveaway at the end of this post as a way to support you all for taking time yo read my blogs.! So we’re now looking at possibly another month delay in gaining access to the general sale we’ve all been waiting so long for. I know myself am not pleased about this, please also understand that this is not me bad mouthing the game or spreading FOMO , only wanting to discuss news related to us smaller players. I myself have been playing this game for a long time and don’t understand why they want to do this, first Aggrode says selling SPS to private investors was his biggest regret as well as the whole team has repeatedly said that they don’t want to cater to the whales that they care about the lil guys and smaller players. So doing this is exact opposite of both things now from what I’ve heard this isn’t officially happening yet it’s a possibility. An IMO I don’t see this taking place if they care to keep smaller parties happy. They said they don’t want the packs to sell out quickly because it would tank value of other older cards and myself I believe it’s being talked about from some in the team but don’t believe the team we know in love supports this. The new bigger guilds have no right to step in cut line and buy out all the packs which they could eastly do with the market caps some of them have. It’s not fair to existing player or small players and I just don’t see this as anything except FUD!!! I might be wrong but I don’t think so . I mean come on if Aggie was so worried about the graphic nature of some of the cards and because of kids playing , I just don’t see him catering if they planed to sell out to big guilds. It wouldn’t as a lot of other reasons make since. The team has done so much to keep from packs selling out quickly that doing this would be in smart of them IMO. Now I completely believe ppl want to do this and from a business stand point even understand why, but can’t see why they would everyone on the team is always talking about rewarding the players who’ve been here since the beginning, well not all of them players or even most are part of these big new guilds so why let them cut out them? They won’t I believe, I believe this to be way of boosting sales they thought to be more through the presale I myself thought SPS to go to 1$ in find support at least for the presale in it has but hasn’t … Even if they go through with this “PRIVATE SALE” I believe there will be a lot of limitations on it for the guilds and don’t see it effecting the general sale for us in a way that dose much to prevent us from getting packs. Now I could be wrong with this but extremely believe I’m not. Will it cause ppl to quit yes will I no I doubt anything could cause me to do so, I believe in the future of the game and the Devs, with that said they do have to make decisions we all won’t agree with I know as well as we have to remember as much as we love the game thus we have to remember their running a business. So presale per cautions I'm taking are buying everything I want now and not waiting on a general sale I do believe is coming but we can’t wait on tomorrow when it isn’t promised. So I believe we will get a general sale but just bc it is a possibility doesn’t mean I plan to wait and not giving financial advice here but neither should you …. That is if you want packs at prices that are reasonable anyway, this is just the way business works it dose suck but it’s just the way of life. The positive thing about all this is the boost it will give the game we love!!! Brining these new guilds in will give us a upper hand the ones that’s been here we have experience we have older cards we will have the upper hand here believe me . A lot of these large guilds are nothing more than Sweat shops with players who earn little of wat they earn have no experience an don’t have near the chance us existing players have trust me , lol..!!!
On another note with my Splinterlands quest I have built up my deck and got myself to a new achievement I thought not possible for myself, I have made it to gold 2 a rank I had not seen myself getting to lol!!! I plan to finish from there but won’t avoid my daily to do so but plan to rent the CP to get there something I’m not keen on doing but will if needed to get possibilities of getting rewards and not set back so much during the reset. were now right at the end of the season and i have done a lot this season i never seen in being able to accomplish. I've gotten a Gladius Case, not only have i made it to gold two I have remained there completing my dailies everyday as well, I have contended in several tournaments and even placed 5th place once with a few other nice payouts. An I say all of this not bragging only to point out to everyone the possibility's I've invested less than a thousand dollars into the game and built myself up to a point ppl would believe otherwise. I hold dear to wat Dwyane Cunningham says all the game requires is TIME AND ATTENTION, with that anything is possible trust me. Well I'm going to cut this for now however still want everyone to remember we still have no details and need to be patient an wait to see what the Dev's say trusting in they will make the right desion for the game, possibly might be something we don't agree with but they are thinking about what's best for the game and we need to stand by that because at the end of the day the game is what we love, right ?
One more thing guys before I sign off I'm starting a day to day stream of my grind as a gold player filled with helpful tips and strategy's as well as daily giveaways and would like to ask you all to join us and support the community. I'll post again soon with the details to that soon and until then good luck and triumph on the battle field!!!!!!!!!!!!
I almost forgot the most important part for a lot of the new readers, lol , the giveaway lol.... So this week I will be giving away a NAGA BRUTE CARD!!!! the only rules are one chance per person the winner will be checked.. no upvotes or follows required but are appriciated and helpful to yall so you know when the next one is. if your ign is diffrent than here plz comment it below . so all you have to do is comment below a short version of how u feel about the pre sale and private sale business, winner will be picked after a min of three comments .... GOOD LUCK TO YOUU ALL
I have no issues regarding the presale as first come, first serve is fine by me. But as I'm eagerly waiting for general sale, then the private sale will most likely impact my plans to grab a good number of packs. Hope I can time it right and actually get some :)
I'm hoping I can get one pack from the open market but if I cannot, thats okay by me too hahaha. I'm sure they'll be pretty costly in comparisons to what I can earn.
Thank you for the giveaway, count me in please :D
I am kinda guy for private sale business, its somehow easyer to me for purchesing and get a done deal with private saler even i am sure that the price may be higher. Pre sale its not thing i will mostley consider about. it is mater of habit nothing else.
matujapope you have won the give away if your acct is diffrent than this user name u have to reply here with the correct ign other wise your prize will be sent some time today ty in hope you come back again
As long as the private sale is only for a million or two packs I think it won't affect things. If they private sale 10 million or more packs, I against that.