Hey everyone CRYPTOCAZY here bringing SPLINTERLANDS CONTENT anytime I'm able to and this week we've got a good one for all you SPLINTERFANZ !!!!! This week were challenged to play with PIRATE CAPTIN a low mana, 3 mana to be precise, with a damage of 1 having the snipe ability, a very helpful ability often overlooked by some even most. But truth told the snipe ability is sometimes game changing for some battle. With the META being water magic right now a lot of people use tank magic healer and that is it. An do not get me wrong this is very effective however not always especially if your opponent counters your+ 1 magic with Boris your right back to square one with a regular build deck and if your aim was only at heavy damage from magic and nothing else your opponent can take you out with ability's such as snipe sneak, and the others. Even though when I use water I do use magic I always try to leave room to slide in a few extra in case ability's just in case I'm countered, as I done in these few battles I've later included for your learning experiences.!!! Here is the first battle i want to share with the CAPTAIN,
Nothing really special here just a high rank silver 3 battle where the opponent had me with more damage and cards but the snipe was able to take a few of them out before I was ran through by the out numbering team. The main event is this battle I'm sharing next. The stakes for winning this battle came from that point where you know your battling foe's who for sure are only battling in the rank there in not because that's where the reside but to work their way to the top of the leader board which is fine more people should do this than just getting the bare min rank and renting power to advance. I'm battling in silver three even though I earn something slightly less because my win rate is better even tough I earn less I earn more because out of 10 battles I win 7-8 of them where if I was in gold 3 I might win 4 out of the 10. Anyways the way I selected the deck I built was first and foremost I knew I'd need a tank that was heavy duty and either able to heal or I'd need to sacrifice mana and a slot later in order to make sure he got healed, in the end I went with SEA MONSTER. Now my reason for this was because not only was I planning to make sure he healed himself I have learned time and time again that the best course of action is to sometimes in the higher mana battles I believe will also use magic as well as tryin counter me that the DOUBLE HEAL is a great way to insure your tank doesn't die after round 1.!!! There is also one other reason I like to use the DOUBLE HEAL METHOD , and that is because I like to follow with a SECONDARY TANK that can attack from anywhere in I was planning to do so. Knowing he had 8 health with 4 melee attack with a heal ability followed by a heal assistance as well made him the obvious choice for me. Now my reach/ secondary tank is an easy choice as to having +1 magic from my summoner I went with DJINN OSHEANOUS, having void ability and being a great secondary tank just in case something happens to my tank in which case you usually lose your tank in a water magic battle for sure. After that were on to my third choice and that was, VENARI WAVESMITH, everyone's new favorite card. I chose VENARI because she's very helpful giving +2 shield to everyone on the team along with having more health than the rest of the magic monsters in the selection I had. After her we see the feature of this post the PIRATE CAPTAIN, now this Is put on my back line up because it has the snipe ability and I wanted it back her to help me pick off the back line of my opponents team. Followed up by, ELVEN MYSTIC, to add some normal monster presents to my team along with 2 more magic damage and for the last selection is KING CRUSTATION my protection against a sneak attack at my back line and help healing my tank. S this was my line up and I felt really confident with it as long as my opponent didn't do exactly as I did but with AXE MASTER IN PLACE OF OSHANOUSE. That sometimes my friends is enough to put you right in check mate, how ever I got a battle right before this where I tried such to no avail, lol !!! Anyhow here's the battle and how it all played out .
So this was the Battles and tips I've got for you this week and I'd love to hear from you all in the comments if you see something I could have done different or something you want to share or have me try thank you guys for reading my posts and watch out for my next post I'm going to be doing another GIVE-AWAY!!!!!!!!
Until next time good luck and triumph on the battlefield SPLINTERFANZ.!!!!