[ENG/DEU] 50 SWAP.HIVE & 20 SWAP.HBD added to the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool
I just wanted to let you know that I have added more rewards to the CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool. 50 SWAP.HIVE and 20 SWAP.HBD
Kurze Meldung, dass ich weitere Rewards zum CCD:SWAP.HIVE Diesel Pool hinzugefügt habe. 50 SWAP.HIVE und 20 SWAP.HBD
As discussed at the start of the new/current distribution round, my goal in this cycle is to gradually increase the rewards instead of starting with a high amount/APR, which are just smoke and mirrors anyway and not permanent. Among other things, to reward true supporters of CryptoCompany and to eliminate “give-me-the-high-rewards-and-foo-off-with-CryptoCompany-people” as much as possible. I already discussed all the what/where/how reasons in the post about the new pool cycle.
Wie beim Start der neuen/aktuellen Distribuitions-Runde bereits erörtert, ziele ich in diesem Zyklus darauf ab, die Rewards nach und nach zu erhöhen, statt mit einer hohen Summe/APR zu starten, welche eh nur Schall und Rauch sind und nicht dauerhaft. Unter anderem, um wahre Unterstützer von CryptoCompany zu belohnen und "Gib-mir-schnell-den-höchsen-Rewards-und-foo-auf-CryptoCompany-Leute" möglichst auszuscheiden. Alle Gründe was/wo/wie hatte ich bereits im Posting zum neuen Pool-Zyklus erörtert.
Now I have increased the rewards for the first time after the opening of the new cycle - with 50 SWAP.HIVE and 20 SWAP.HBD. This means that the APR has increased from 0.643% (and rounded up to 58 SWAP.HIVE and 9.735 SWAP.HBD remaining as rewards) to 1.467% (with currently [rounded] 108 SWAP.HIVE / 29 SWAP.HBD).
Nun habe ich die Rewards erstmalig nach Eröffnung des neuen Zyklus erhöht - mit 50 SWAP.HIVE und 20 SWAP.HBD. Somit hat sich die APR von 0,643% (und gerundet bis dahin verbleibend 58 SWAP.HIVE und 9,735 SWAP.HBD als Reward) auf 1,467% (mit aktuell [gerundet] 108 SWAP.HIVE / 29 SWAP.HBD) erhöht.
I hope you have already been busy collecting bonus shares, because the next times for increases are already planned in my next steps. The exact timing will depend on the strategic needs of CryptoCompany and the regulation of the CCD price. As always, I will make sure that I do the best possible management for the CryptoCompany community and supporters.
Ich hoffe ihr habt bereits fleißig Bonusanteile gesammelt, denn die nächsten Zeitpunkte für Erhöhungen sind bereits in meinem weiteren Vorgehen vorgesehen. Die exakten Zeitpunkte dafür richten sich nach den strategischen Bedürfnissen von CryptoCompany bzw. der Regulierung des CCD-Preises. Wie immer werde ich schauen, dass ich das mir bestmögliche Management für die Gemeinschaft und Unterstützer rund um CryptoCompany tätige.
So, now back to the code editor... The current tests for a new feature and use case for the CCD token have gone smoothly so far and have yielded a few ideas for improvement. I would like to implement these before I release the new feature. I expect to release this new feature publicly in the next few days... Buy your CCD now before they rise up in price...
So, jetzt wieder in den Code-Editor... Die aktuellen Tests für ein neues Feature und Anwendungsfall für den CCD Token sind soweit reibungslos verlaufen und haben ein paar Verbesserungsideen hervorgebracht. Diese mag ich noch umsetzen, bevor ich das neue Feature veröffentliche. Ich gehe davon aus, diese neue Funktion in den nächsten Tagen öffentlich freizugeben... Kaufe deine CCD jetzt, bevor sie im Preis steigen...
Any questions? Any Feedback?
Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day & stay healthy!
See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your time!
You like to stay informed or support CryptoCompany or PowerPaul?
Here are our articles from the last 7 days:
(and on all of them the commentrewarder is activated!)
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DEU] Webservers/website/services online again
• @cryptocompany | [ENG/DE] Not only the CCCEO website is down... The whole server provider (Hetzner) is down...
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] Testers needed for a new website function
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @powerpaul | [ENG/DEU] You can skip this article or consider yourself lucky
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
• @ccceo.voter | [ENG/DEU] Report on the most recently processed votes from the CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service
I'm looking forward to that new feature, as always continue to invest in this excellent project.
[@PowerPaul:] Info Post (with a further hint) is in processing right now and coming in a few moments... I would love your feedback then!
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.
Credit: reddit
@edgerik, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany
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Great news! I like your project.👌👍
That was a very fuelish thing to do.
Credit: reddit
@cryptocompany, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of astramar
Credit: pepe-cash
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ HiveMe.me!
@cryptocompany, I paid out 0.543 HIVE and 0.144 HBD to reward 1 comments in this discussion thread.