Why Trust in Institutions Is Key to National Recovery


Trusted social systems come when people don't feel like the societal contract has been broken too much by what they see as their society, so say a country can get invaded and occupied but if trust was high before, and people don't feel like their society broke the trust then the prospering can bounce right back up after the occupation, it can even get higher because then the previous government that was trusted, this works if the previous one was trusted, get's credit for fighting against the invaders. Easier to keep trust high under stable conditions but it's the trust being high that makes it so stability can help to create prosperity, like the trust is of higher order, there can be a lot of turbulence but if people feel like their society did not betray them then they can run full speed ahead when conditions get better, if people feel like their society represents them and what they care about then they can run full speed ahead after instability, and there will for the foreseeable future be instability that will be largely unavoidable.

US gdp has gone up and up, spending increased by 320 billion dollars since 1980 adjusted for inflation, just added the liquid cash version of the same number as the net worth of the world richest, Elon Musk, adjusted for inflation. The US literally accounts for almost 40% of all miltary spending in the entire world, the DOD has requested 850 billion dollars for the fiscal year of 2025. The DOD is the most powerful insititution on earth by a wide margin, also only looking at the profits of US military companies and comparing those to the tech and other sectors is insultingly bad analysis of military spending in the US. They pruposfully avoided spending stats, why? Because spending is huge, undeniably so. Their bias is clear, they say that they produce military equipment and they alao say "maybe spending should go up?''
