Democracy And The Media


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There are many parts of human condition that should be limited and watched carefully, for example tribalism, fear of that which is different and that which one does not understand, our many, many biases should be watched carefully. However the care for other people should kept and cultivated. Love, the human need for social connection is great, stuff like wanting to improve and understand the world, curiousness, many things about human conditioning should not be unwired at all. Now stay with me please when I say democracy I don't just mean that people have a vote, democracy means people rule when I say it, and in people rule there are many things like as y good education, good scientific, including scientific social understanding is an important part of democracy. When I say we need to increase democracy I mean we need empower the people, and the people having a vote but the media follows the interest of money and power, so that people do not know how to vote in their interest is not democratic. Transparency and good journalism is an important part of democracy, transparency like where taxes, money and power goes being public helps journalists and the public in understanding their society like good education does for example. Point is we need this, we need more democracy. . There are plenty of very bad education boards, maybe almost all of them in America are bad sure, or at least a lot, and there is a lot that need to be watched about human condition like our bias for simplification with stuff like black and white thinking however not all.
