Weekly Splinterlands Info - Aug 11th
Weekly Splinterlands Info
MLSPA Announcement
Lets start with the big announcement from the town hall this week and that is Splinterlands has partnered with MLSPA to create Genesis League Soccer (GLS)... "has" evidently this has been in the works since Mar. I think it was Tales that found the twitter account was started back in march.
This is big news for Splinterlands but why?
Well number one is it open the door if done right to bigger partnerships in the future. The discord for Genesis League Soccer (GLS) is very close to the Splinterlands which is well laid out and it's not an easy thing to stand up a usable discord.
Secondly if you like American Soccer in this case those Splinterlands player holding SPS will be part of the airdrop of packs and tokens for the Genesis League Soccer (GLS). So if you want to play the game you'll start with a leg up or if you don't want to play the game and it does well you'll have assets to sell and make some $$$ to bring back into Splinterlands... overall it's a win win for Splinterlands players.
The biggest dilemma with this announcement is do I have enough SPS, I'm working on completely unstaking my SPS to put into LP for the higher return. I'm doing this at the cost of tournaments but with my card level I was okay with trade off. Now, I'll want some of those airdrop in the hope GLS will take off and I can sell some of those assets to sell to buy more Splinterlands assets... who know I might also like the game though myself I am looking forward to the tower defense game!!!!
Overall for everyone worried about Splinterlands development there are two separate development departments working on the two different project this is noticeable by the fact the twitter account was made back in Mar and we've seen a ton of Splinterlands updates since mark after they got the tech modernization done. The overall tech modernization phase played a in faster Splinterlands development and I suspect a role in landing the GLS deal!
There are three giveaways associated to this announcement, get in there and register to win some stuff!!!
50 winners will receive 20 Genesis League Soccer card packs each on pack launch (October)
Sign up for the mailing list at https://genesisleaguesoccer.com/ to be automatically entered!
Win a signed MLSPA player jersey of your choice - Enter via Gleam
200 Chaos Legion packs to be won (20 winners) - Enter via Gleam
Another partnership that was announced previously was EMP. So the creator of EMP money was on talking about the partnership and how EMP got started. Since I've started playing Splinterlands I've been looking a bit more at Crypto but over all I don't get or see the value of this partnership. While I'm going 100% on what was said on the townhall and only watching one other video... It sounds like a great deal for EMP people. They get a way to spend a token they would otherwise not get to spend and then Splinterlands just hold it. This very much has a good old boys back room deal feel to me. EMP get a boost by giving value to their token and Splinterlands has the potential to get some new customer's hook but otherwise it's will be Splinterlands players with deep pockets get credits by turn their EMP tokens into Splinterlands where they can get some cards or packs and the guy at EMP get to have his token hold value and sell it. I'll have to dive into this a bit more but overall no good vibes here on this one.
Rest of the Town Hall
The Splinterlands TV website launched it's update and looks great!!! You can view the schedule and subscribe to your favorite stream to get notifications for when they go live. If you plan to do the notifications know the discord notification will only happen when the streamer is going live where the calendars will just give you the weekly notification even if the streamer happens not to go live that day.
More was talked about around SPS in rank rewards.
- There is a fixed amount of SPS that will be released for Ranked rewards
- Will be split between Ranked battles, daily reward chests, and season reward chests
- Portion for battle rewards will be significantly larger than the current DEC rewards
- Future iteration of SPS ranked rewards will include SPS staked to receive SPS rewards
- Won't need to stake it yourself, players can stake on you
- Will release more information as the team gets closer to implementing this
So far what was previously talked about still holds true. When SPS goes to rank rewards there will be no required staked component. During that time all SPS you earn will be staked thus when there is an SPS staked requirement only new players or players who haven't played since SPS went into rank battle rewards will be able to earn SPS because they will have some staked SPS. While you may not earn the maximum amount of SPS you could earn having more staked you will still earn SPS. Regardless of staked SPS everyone will still earn cards, potions, and merits as we have not heard otherwise. So if someone tries to tell you, you will earn zero rewards or that your thousands of dollars invested will be useless and get you nothing. It's not true, it's 100% a factless claim. Will you earn less than you would if you had staked SPS, yes. Frankly if you have a collection worth thousands of dollars you should have some SPS somewhere either stakes, in LP, or liquid to be able to stake it and increase your earnings. So beware of any fear mongering around this fact and mis-information.
We got some more eye candy some around Splinterfest and a alpha Riftwaters summoner. As usual the eye candy is in the #eye-candy section of the Splinterlands discord.
Signing off
Come join the Splinterlands community.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121