Play to earn games / NFTs passive income part 3 staking + Renting
NFTs or Crypto count as property, property that like any other form can be leased, rented, bartered, or pawned. While NFT pawn shops are not a thing yet (give me a year) you still can earn crypto by leveraging your NFTs or play to earn assets.
If not clear by now today ill be going over several HIVE or WAX NFT collections or play to earn games with Staking or P2P NFT Renting.
Many believe the NFT Market is a phase, its not NFTs are an evolution on how our society perceives property & asset ownership.
For instance I can rent my Digital playing card why stop here rent a whole game, Movie, or song.
Tokenize rights to a movie or song, tokenize physical property all is possible with three little letters NFT
Last fall I attended the Futurist conference, though I could not make it to this years I wish I could have attended. Getting insight from so many blockchain industry leaders Speaking about projects that even now would be cutting edge.
Much of my Research into NFTs & Blockchain its capabilities & its limits started there. As the futurist conference marked the first time for me at least that NFTs where anything but some Digital art work.
Implementing NFTs in everything from Healthcare, to agriculture to, Property sale & rental.
Though you may not initially see it NFTs can represent something much more then a mere digital trinket to be bought & sold.
Play to earn games also have a depth with this type of staking for not only an ROI but in game governance & player agency.
What's that saying put your best foot forward, when it comes to NFTs Splinterlands is definitely my best NFT colection.
So what better place to start, I know this connection may seem forced now but SPS staking is in its infancy.
SPS for now has simplistic in game staking for a decent APR around 60% currently. With the new temporary voucher system showing us the first signs of what SPS actually does.
By Staking SPS in game you actively get a proportional in game governance vote for game changes.
Note how the Vouchers where handed out based on the Staked amount I suspect this is a way of testing SPS its reach & the users familiarity with it.
Seriously read the SPS white paper until you recite it in your sleep, its full of info that could make you rich.
According to the SPS white paper
"Each staked SPS token will be worth one vote"
Votes like WAX or HIVE votes can be delegated to another third party tasked with voting on your assets behalf.
The real Fun starts when the airdrop ends or at least when the SPS being earned from ranked matches begins.
For 2 reasons 1 the NFT market will get off the breaks & start moving again, 2nd being the SPS Player governance & its relation to SPS earned via ranked matches.
See that top line in the screen shot above
(Staked SPS tokens can (but are not required to) be staked on a particular player which will allow both the SPS holder and the player to earn rewards based on the player's performance.)
This means delegating your in game SPS you have staked to a (pro) player will effect your earnings based on their performance.
What If I told you this is just the beginning, That Splinterlands is no where near its high point.
How do you go beyond best blockchain game in the world, best game in the world. This mass adoption wave brought on by the SPS airdrop will look tame when the professional gamer circuits get involved.
The SPS delegation to better players paying both more based on the players performance just builds a professional player base naturally.
So professional Blockchain Gamers start with what Staking your play to earn crypto assets.
Tell em Dr.Z I'm just getting started Boring you with facts about Splinterlands, next up rentals.
Rentals are another aspect of Splinterlands I find exceptionally useful thus far, but again I feel this is just the beginning of what rentals can eventually become.
Nothing for certain just a guess land plot rentals will eventually be possible.
Just a hope with this final function you could add to the rental system Bundles
Leasing or rent to own seems feasible as well, I base this on how HIVE functions in much the same way its assets like NFTs do.
So Staking & renting two passive income techniques for your play to earn Splinterlands portfolio.
Obviously the airdrop(s) as well but that's a topic for a future write up.
Hash Kings
For many this may be shocking but yeah damn good devs at Hash kings, Though staking options are limited at the moment.
Rentals are fully active & work well I am a happy customer currently renting out NFTs this way, well done devs.
PHANTOM & POLYGON Bridges + Brand new special seeds
I feared their old MOTA staking seed NFT distribution system could be taken advantage of the Devs realized this & where not afraid to overhaul the game mechanic.
So as I said I'm quite impressed with Hashkings & how far the game has come, great work devs.
HIVE honorable mentions
Honorable mentions go to a few NFT colection on HIVE, with to little popularity or features to warrant their own section.
Rising Star- Gets the shout out as you can already delegate the NFTs to another rising star player. So it only lacks the proper service to facilitate transactions like renting.
Mythical- one of two NFT staking services on HIVE with the built in design of players effecting game governance. That's its issue no one did anything with that governance so it sits more or less abandoned. they even changed the web address & I didn't even notice.
Farm Farmer- Like the previous entry this NFT staking service appears dead in the water. Same design & no one using the governance.
While these NFT collections lack certain elements its not something undoable, in fact most of them need something simplistic changed or implemented.
Bout to flex my knowledge with this section of the Staking / Renting write up part 3 of the play to earn or NFT passive income series.
By which I mean WAX is where al the work on NFT Staking or DeFi happens. WAX has its core strength built around NFT staking & distribution / Whitelisting.
WAX is the flip side of HIVE, HIVE specializes in the alt coins with their staking distribution & functions being the primary focus.
WAX being the inverse focusing more or less exclusively on NFTs their staking development & distribution.
Part 2 of this passive earnings for Play to earn / NFTs series I did farming & DeFi.
Thanks for the support by the way that write up is very popular by my standards. I have been made aware of a DeFi service on WAX since publishing that however.
In conjunction with Alcor, BluDAC allows users to utilize liquidity pools for WAX alts. To utilize BluDAC however you must first purchase & stake BluDACs Pass NFT.
I'm a cheap skate so I got the cheaper $20 one, though that price is still high talk about a key to the kingdom WAX alt DeFi. I got chills typing that, its that good.
These are just some of the partners with BluDAC, all of which offer liquidity pools on BluDAC.
On this ridiculously long list are many NFT projects from WAX I'm involved in & had holdings from, I had been doing nothing with until now.
This is going to get complex so try to keep up, to utilize BluDEC you first need their pass NFT. Which you will be required to stake on BluDEC to utilize DeFi.
Once you obtain the pass you will need to hit Alcor then sign into your WAX wallet.
Then you need some of their Crypto BLU
Price is dirt cheap I think I got lucky as the last months payout just happened so the price crashed.
Once you got some BLU head over to the add liquidity page of Alcor.
Use the desired alt & BLU to add your liquidity to the pairing
I chose the KENN & BLU liquidity pairing
This was my test a rough draft if you will, now that I know about BLUDec & all the liquidity pools. Game on Ill have this shit on lock in a week.
Above is the BLUDec tutorial, Many WAXX users likely have TLM, AETHER, SHELL, or hell even just WAX kicking around their wallet doing nothing.
While yes the TLM has liquidity options on BSC now the many other WAX alts have the same on BluDEC.
R planet
Working with many WAX collections the Dapp Known as Rplanet allows users to sake a myriad of NFTs from many different NFT collections.
Staking NFTs from NFT or play to earn NFT collections on Rplanet generates the user AETHER every hour.
Yeah Staking NFTs to Rplanet pays you in AETHER hourly, AETHER also is listed on BLUDec.
So that's DeFi on a crypto AETHER you earn hourly by staking NFTs to Rplanet. You also use AETHER with element & NFT generation in game.
Todays lucky readers NFT can be staked for AETHER or other WAX alt Crypto ill mention later.
Green Rabbit
Todays lucky readers get a Greentooth USB NFT & artifact to begin staking on Green Rabbit & generate SHELL or Shellinium hourly.
Like AETHER the SHELL is generated per hour as appose to daily, Unlike Rplanet however Green rabbit only allows users to stake their own NFT colection.
Also like AETHER you can find SHELL on BLUDec.
If your the lucky reader & want to stake your NFTs to Green Rabbit first plug in your Flash drive in game.
Then you stake the artifact NFT to your USB flash drive NFT.
There now you make SHELL hourly via your staked NFTs, SHELL has a few uses including the in game NFT store.
So far we have you staking a good amount of different NFT & some crypto but we are not playing all that many games. That changes
starting now, the Blockchain game Prospectors runs on both WAX & EOS.
Prospectors is Free to Play & you earn crypto completely free by playing the game truly Free To Play / Play To Earn games are rare to say the least
You can own Land plots staking of which earns the owner revenue depending on usage. You can rent land plots in game & build on them, or build on the one you own.
Usage of facilities built upon a land plot generates the owner commission.
So we got NFT staking & land plot renting thus far, lets go for the trifecta as you can also stake you crypto PGL in game to ern interest from the in game banks.
As if this wasn't good enough you my also use PGL on BLUDec
This BLUDec is a WAX NFT collectors dream come true.
Uplift & Minecraft?
Yes as in the real popular game Mine Craft, You actually get access to an Uplift Mine Craft server when you own a Uplift NFT passport Key.
Ownership & registration of this and or a land plot Key with a linked gamer tag connected to you WAX account. Will give you the name of and passwords for the Uplift Mine craft server.
Mine Craft seems boring & somewhat stupid if I'm being honest ill never play this, but if you like Minecraft or have a child that does. Ownership of those Passport & land plot NFT with many of the UPLIFTIUM drip miner NFTs on WAX will mine UPLIFTIUM to your WAX wallet when the linked Minecraft account is playing.
This is a crack at a crypto metaverse running off a Minecraft server a novel idea but it seems popular.
Is where you get some uplift NFTs
Not my personal favorite but Staking & play to earn none the less.
Alien Worlds
Now we are getting to some nerd knowledge, Staking of TLM like SPS has a form of in game governance known as planetary governance.
In alien worlds the worlds govern themselves with individuals delegating their vote weight to a trusted third party or if they have enough vote weight voting on their own behalf.
Each land plot owner also has their own Governance input specific to that land plot of that planet.
Depending upon which planet the player choses to mine on combined with how much TLM they have staked to that planet the player will gain proportional rewards that are then divided between themselves & the land plot owner.
The more the player stakes to the planet on which they're mining minus the % set by the land owner for the commission determines TLM payout.
NFTs besides the Alien worlds NFT line which are distributed on the regular land plot effected distribution mechanics. Non alien worlds NFTs Can be added to potential pay out determined by a rewards pool account set up through planetary governance.
One such secondary NFT colection set up through alien worlds is Crypto MonKeys A NFT colection I covered in segment 2 link below.
Uplands NFT properties have a similar game mechanic so they get an honorable mention as there is no where near enough time to cover everything.
Alien Worlds has quite a ask ahead of them as the planetary governance / land plot system are perfect & a fully flushed out game may interfere with these systems in some way.
Twitter thinks Alien worlds will rally soon I'm half inclined to believe them with new game mechanics & layout redesign recently added.
Now I can access yield farms on multiple blockchains for TLM
Giving this WAX liquidity thing a shot no Gas fees & I mean 0
I can continue to ramble on about alien worlds all day but modern attention spans are as short as our next entry.
Gnomes / Gnocity
Spanning 4 different NFT collections Gnomes & Gnocity are together an interesting NFT colection / play to earn game.
Where to begin here well for starters its free to play simply own the NFT & set them to your teir in game. Food though highly recommended is not required but you cant initiate the PVP match with hungry gnomes. With unfed gnomes you will likely loose to but again not required technically.
If you just want to level up your Gnome NFTs before you get them into the PvP set line up. You can stake a Pet NFT or a rarer Gnome NFT to earn EXP hourly.
Aforementioned EXP gained is then able to be awarded to what ever gnome NFT you wish.
High level gnomes earn more are more effective in PvP & gets fed less, the in game market takes level into account & the prices for high level gnome NFTs get really high.
As do the prices on the rare Gnomes rare Gnomes fully leveled up can sell for thousands of dollars.
Racing new game type is even more complex requiring a vehicle NFT driver NFT & perks for the vehicle if desired to be staked.
You then stake race passes which your drivers use every 24 hours until unstaked.
The real take away with Gnocity is its fun a cheap not free play to earn game & their NFTs sell high & in high volume.
Perfect example bought a 5 pack of these NFTs for the Gnocity Vehicle boosts for $10. I kept one & sold the other 4 for $42, see like rising stars NFTs what builds value with this colection is limited releases creating scarcity.
Their WAX alt GNOKEN has a fairly high value + GNOKEN is earned fairly quickly, your line up is attacked at random with other players initiating the PvP match.
If you win the PvP you get GNOKEN & whomever starts the match utilizes CPU from their WAX account.
System resources on WAX are gained via purchase with WAX for RAM & staking WAX for CPU & NET.
Gnocity has a metaverse in the works & a game with two many features to list already. I would get into this NFT colection if at all possible for you to do so its still cheap for now that is...
Collect social / WAX arena
These two share many similarities & are not all that profitable so they get lumped together.
Both of these services work not by staking but by registering ownership of certain NFTs.
Staking is a little different in that you dont relinquish ownership of the asset simply register ownership. Each site then pays out daily their crypto depending on the reward assigned to each NFT colection or NFT registered.
Collect social is much cheaper, but difficult to execute properly Collect social generates RACOON coins.
WAX arena can be fairly expensive to get working & takes to long to cash out neither looks like they will do well, but crazy things happen so they are worth a mention.
Not only my second best selling NFT colection, but also a NFT colection with cross blockchain WAX / BSC staking.
Oh the news gets even better KOGs last pack sale of series 3 is ongoing for only 6 more days link below.
KOGs is a colection completion use case that allows the resulting CHUBE (group) to be staked.
CHUBE creation & Staking is handled on the KOGS site which you can sign into with your WAX wallet. You then pair your BSC wallet upon request & stake the CHUBE during designated staking time window.
Staking upon completion of term will generate a proportional amount of RFOX in your connected BSC wallet.
KOGs is part of the RFOX soon to be metaverse RFOX vault & it has a mobile play to ern game long into development called KOGs slam.
Might seem crazy to keep backing KOGs the sales numbers & prices have declined but I'm still in the green with the colection & own over 500 of them.
That's over $800 in profit with an extra 500 NFTs on top of that KOGs has been good to me & I'm sad to see the packs go.
Get them while you can KOGs slam gets monetized & goes public fairly soon I'm a tester your in for a treat play to earn crowd.
For now however KOGs has CHUBE staking & the last packs for series 3 are only on sale through the next 6 days after which all sales are 2nd hand markets.
They are all worthy
I maybe missed a few NFT collections with staking or rental options in todays write up, but there is simply not enough time to get to them all.
NFT three little letters that can encompass so much potential, passive earnings side of NFTs while in its infancy has great promise for things to come.
The world will begin to recognize NFTs potential applications know literally no limits.
So if I didn't get to one of your favorite NFT collections with staking or renting shout it out in the comments.
Sell on the drop?
Now usually when talking crypto you buy on the drop right, well when talking NFTs that is only half the story. The crypto price does not necessarily effect the NFT price, yes its a contributing factor but the market takes time to adjust.
This is why when the price of the crypto I'm buying / selling NFTs in, is down I sell NFTs when the aforementioned crypto price is up I buy NFTs.
Peddling the Bike as I call it, when done correctly you gain massive profits & risk very little. You have to pick the right time to buy into the crypto though which is why its best to keep some even on a high.
This is just one of my many tactics used in amassing my NFT / crypto portfolio.
My posts / airdrops are intended to give a start to & inform readers of ways they can utilize this airdrop to generate a larger portfolio.
In fact many of my airdrops are best left to sit, like todays will have staking option NFTs. Though I buy low the intent is for the lucky reader to sell high giving out projects NFTs I believe have a good shot in accomplishing this.
I know a second Splinterlands segment WTF with the same NFTs? This is more related to airdrops so it tracks with what I was just saying in the previous section.
A perfect example of me buying airdrops on a dip where the legendary & gold Splinterlands cards I airdropped previously.
Though when I airdropped these you could still get around $20 all together now you can get $40 or more easy literally 1 month later.
Was $13 now you can get $30 in a month that's all it took 1 month of patience, I'm not assuming everyone immediately sells in fact many utilize the NFTs.
The point I'm getting at here is simple, Crypto & NFT markets can be a wild place its easy to trust the market over your own research dont.
Please research anything you invest in I try my best to explain, but these write ups tend to go over everything & you may need more info.
Splinterlands is heading for bigger things then the strictly blockchain market it currently finds itself in. A consumer market a professional gamer market these are what lie ahead for Splinterlands.
You think prices are high now you aint seen nothing yet, just FYI that land region Splinterlands NFT on the left in the above image is the largest sale ever on WAX 2.4M WAX / $695K USD.
NFTHive ironically on WAX not the HIVE blockchain is an NFT market with all the fun stats like top sale ever.
Though I encourage you to sell / buy your NFTs on WAX trough Nefty Blocks as to qualify.
See those numbers indicate holdings of the top NFT collections on WAX, Note how there is a massive rise in fluctuation recently. All the while keeping a surprisingly high minimum.
Numbers like this for NFTs can be difficult to locate but NFTmart & Chain Champs both have good WAX NFT market info.
Dapp Radar
Also a good source of market data on Dapps Dapp radar is got quite a few features going for it. Like keeping track of multiple blockchain assets in one account & the airdrop feature.
Airdrop feature is a luck based airdrop where a certain number of users that register can win that airdrop.
Now I only got $4 but the point is the Dappradar airdrops are real they work & are easy to sign up for no hoops to jump through.
Simply link your BSC & ETH accounts to a Dapp radar account, then when ever your checking in on your assets just swing by the airdrop page & click join on the current airdrop.
Fairly easy potential free money no sense in avoiding them like most other airdrops.
Also unlike most other airdrops there is no incentive for me to share this info in fact it can potentially cost me, but I do my airdrops to help fellow blockchain users though $5 isn't much its a start.
So I write these posts over a course of a few days on average, Since beginning to use the BLUDec Liquidity pools on WAX with around $5 testing them out in 1 day I generated this.
The BLU price leaves a little to be desired but not bad for WAX alts normally doing nothing.
My posts doing well!!
As I have stated many times prior My posts do better you all get better airdrops, I asked & you al answered by re blogging, tweeting Sharing & upvoting my posts even interacting via the comments.
As thanks todays airdrop was purchased just for the occasion, While traditionally I have a little less of a budget to work with for airdrops. Thanks to all your support todays airdrops, are chosen as NFTs that can help earn a passive income via staking or renting.
Including a $10 Rplanet mining Rig & a $2 flash drive artifact setup for Green Rabbit. Those NFT will produce AETHER & SHELL once staked every hour for the lucky readers.
A Splinterlands card which can be rented out for DEC
With Gnomes Cards for Gnocity when set to a line up passively earning GNOKEN.
Again thank you all for your support & like I always say my posts do well the airdrops get bigger & better.
I'm even thinking of adding a 3rd airdrop but that remains to be seen.
Airdrop(s) How to
Two Airdrops Go out per post First to Hive then to PublishOx later that day. Making these airdrops random has helped to keep everything fair literally any reader can win. Airdrops like this are affordable as well making the revenue from posts go even further.
That's why I keep publishing staggered & the same goes for the secondary airdrop Ill put the URL of the second airdrop PublishOx posts in the comments of the Hive posts. Ill tweet about every post.
This will all start with the normal Hive post with airdrop & shortly after PublishOx has the same post with a second airdrop check twitter for a quick reference.
One of 2 WAX NFT airdrops, containing 6 NFTs each posted first to Hive then shortly after a second one goes on my post to Publish OX.
You can find updates here & ill try to post the second URL from PublishOx in the comments.
Todays Lucky Reader(s) get passive earnings NFTs making the owners more money then just resale.
Your Gnome is already leveled up & fed, so you can use it in PVP.
Please this is more important then ever to let others know in the comments, & thanks for participating enjoy your NFTs lucky reader.
Trigger a Hive tip bot any hive tip bot comment your WAX address get an NFT.
Social Media Second airdrop link PublishOx
Hive profile
Hive referral
NFT airdrops after Hive
Join publish Ox
I accept donations if you feel like supporting more fantastic airdrops & ok posts. You can share / upvote via HIVE or PublishOx.
Donate WAX NFTs or Crypto here:
or here
My Twitter is linked to both Mask Network & Brave content creators, so you can also donate MASK or BAT to my twitter.
Under no obligation to do so it simply goes to increase the Airdrops & Possible future NFT give away events.
As always amazing post, I have never been able to get into or really even understand hashkings.
I got land seeds water but seem that's all it is lol
Also thanks for the drop
you have been manually curated by @skylinebuds on behalf of the curation team. Curating all original quality #play2earn content.
Thanks for letting other readers know / you can rent out those land plots & Water towers in game now they have updated a bunch since launch.
Really, I may have to look into that, i am not a fan of these HTML style games they just don't have a future IMO.
Thanks for the tip on renting
Yeah they are a craze but eventually well have more mainstream games tie into blockchain, Only ones I believe stand any chance are like Splinterlands or alien world projects not fully implemented on just a single blockchain. The processing power far exceeds their competitors & thus they have the advantage for now.
Airdrop number 2 good luck readers
I got it on Publish0x while I was reading over there. Im thrilled about green rabbit because I've wanted to start that.
I also finally started PVP on GNO City. It's still very confusing to me but at least I started.
I'm gonna have to work a trade with @skylinebuds lol and play more.
btw, I'm dilligent with . I play a few times a day. It's an addiction I didn't need.
And even worse is rollercoin. I cant stop. You've pretty much ruined my life with your drops. You rock!!!!!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I can find a way to burn up free time that's for sure enjoy green rabbit can be confusing but SHELL Is always a nice alt given how quick you generate it. You can Stake like 5- 10 artifacts or totems on that 1 flash drive to generate more & more SHELL Shellinium, or like roller coin buy more mining power in game via the in game market.

Pluss like I point out in the write up now Shellinium (SHELL) has liquidity pools on BLUDec
These games are all pretty complicated but I eventually reach a point where I "get it". It is gonna take me some time with GNO for sure.
But if it weren't for you, I would only know about splinter and alienworlds.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
AMAZING job! Great post about the VALUE here! More and more people WILL catch on that NFTs are here to stay! Yipppee!! You've been manually curated by rosiew from 1UP!

Yeah NFTs have value far beyond what's normally attributed to them
I was wondering about the Splinterlands SPS and how it would be used. Thanks for sharing about the Staked Rewards and how this will push the game into the professional ranks. This will probably drive a larger uptick of new users once it is officially published and starts to occur. I guess now is the time to accumulate as many Splinterland assets as possible before it happens. Thanks for all the information.
Wax id: gxpe4.wam
I sent this NFT above to the link provided thanks for participating.
Yeah SPS when fully implemented will give players a agency that has never before happened with games, allowing them to delegate SPS to their favorite player almost as an endorsement with an ROI for both the one sponsoring & the player being sponsored.
It is just amazing how far things have progressed in such a short timeframe. The landscape of online gaming is about to have a great shift in functionality.
Thanks for the NFT.
Jesus, what a massive post :)
well done!
Thanks I try
Quite a list you have there! I just bookmarked them in the meantime so that I can go back and check them later.
Awsome I try to get as many different services Dapps as I can cover in one post, but basically every thing I post is full of info.
Yay! 🤗
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Thanks for the mention as always!!
And yes! Everything we do is with the mission of providing the best experience possible and always taking into consideration the economic principles to prevent any harm to the community :)