My The Peace OF Our Lord Jesus Abide With Us Amen.
1ST JOHN 4:1 Here the Bible told us not to believe in every spirit because there many false prophets that are into the world, presently there are many churches with different names preaching false doctrine deceiving people so we should be careful who we listen to and as a Christian we should be able to identify the true words of God when we hear them. From what i understand in 1 Cor 14:27 the Bible said if any man thinks he’s a prophet or spiritual then he must acknowledge that what God has written to us is the commandments of God
PHIL 1:27 From what I learned here the Bible is telling us to engage ourselves in the gospel of the Lord, we should stand in one spirit and one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, the gospel of Christ is what we should strive for daily and as we do so God will give us the knowledge and understanding of his word. The more we strive for the gospel the more we get to know God and his spirit will never depart from us.
ROMANS 10:17 The Bible said that faith comes by hearing and by hearing by the word of God, I understand that if we must always pay attention to the word of God, we must listen to the word of God daily in order to build our faith daily in God, when we hear the word of God and obey and follow what the Bible said our faith in God grows but when we don’t listen and pay attention to the word of God our faith Will be stagnant we won’t be able to move spiritually.
MATHEW 17:5 God has given us his son whom he loves and he’s also well pleased by him so here God is telling us to hear him and obey. Jesus is the only teacher appointed by God so we must listen to him.
MARK 7:7,8 Here I understand that it is evil to leave the teachings of Christ and then cleave to that of men, it is very bad and evil to leave the teachings and doctrines of Christ whom God has appointed for us and then hold the traditions of men, Bible said God is a jealous God so let’s not contradict the teachings of Christ to them at of men, we should serve only God which is in heaven.
MATHEW 28:19,20 Today I learned that the first doctrine that should be done or teach is baptism and that’s why God sent his son and said go ye into the world and teach all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and also teach them to observe the commandments of God.
GAl 1:13 Here I understand that when God appointed Paul as the minister and also as a witness, the first step he took was baptism to become a member of the church of God, Bible made us to understand that Paul was a prosecutor of the church of God the later on became a minister of God. Baptism is necessary for every Christian or child of God
ACT 2:41 46,47 Here the Bible said when he preached the gospel to the people they received his word and they were also baptized and the Bible said the same day three thousand (3) souls where converted and added to them, they did not stop there but they continued daily in one accord in the temple of God breaking bread from house to house and they ate their meat with the gladness of their heart. And they were singing and praising God and having favour with the people and God also added to the Church and they were all saved.