Battling With The Best Life Has To Offer
I had never fancied battling with the Life Splinter and I absolutely hated coming up against opponents that use the life Splinter, I really could not fathorm these sentiments until just recently.
I was looking for Monsters to rent so as to increase my Power rating and my go-to monsters are usually from the Dragon Splinter, but since I was already stacked with the Dragon's heavy hitters in the form of Robbo Dragon-Knight, The Dragon Jumper, The Vigilator, Diamond Dragon and Djinn Chwala, I decided to take a little peek at what the life Splinter had to offer.
Every Monster in the Life Splinter is just so bright, maybe it was made so deliberately by the developers to make them actually have that feel of LIFE.
I was really lost at what Monsters to rent here because I hadnt figured out how to combine and get the best from the Life Monsters, so I just went with what caught my eyes the most and rented Chanseus The Great, High Priest Darius, Bila The Radiant and Djinn Renova.
Yeah, I kinda like the Magic Monsters pretty well because I love that direct effect straight to the dome. I hate trying to break down a Monster's shield, especially the ones that have more shield than health.
So, I rented those fellas and went to work trying to get the most out of them and boy did I get the most out of them! Hahahaha! When its battle time, I forget my darling Dragon Monsters and jump straight to LIFE. Unless of course there is a rulset and I am not allowed to use LIFE or all the Monsters therein.
So, this is how I usually line up using the Life Splinter
I mostly use Chanseus when I am not limited by mana, but when mana doesnt allow, I use Tyrus Paladium for the extra shield.
Chansues is usually my Summoner and this gives me a great advantage against any opponent I come up against because Chanseus restores the armour of my monster that has taken the most hit on its armour, it also heals the monster in the backline that has recieved the most damage and ontop of that, it ressurects the first monsters that dies in battle. Thats a lot for one Summoner.
The first Monster on my line up is the Shieldbearer. One thing with using the Life Splinter is, every selection is more deliberate and tactical than I have seen with other Splinters.
With the Shieldbearer as your front man, you are making sure that your opposition monsters attack no other monster than the Shieldbearer, which allows your backline the time and opportunity to do all they picked to do. Plus, 4 shield means it would take a few beating to start actually digging into the Shieldbearer's Health.
My lineup is not filled with heavy hitters but monsters that kill the opponents slowly, round after round, because aside the Shield bearer, I only have about two extra attacking monsters, the rest are just healers and protectors.
Next on my lineup is High Priest Darius. Aside packing a magic attack of 3, the High Priest also has the ressurrection ability which means in addition to my Summoner Chanseus being on standby to resurrect my front monster, the High priest is also there to ressurect it the second time if it get killed again. Hahaha. Yes, same monster of mine has actually been ressurected twice by these two. Swell!!
Next on my lineup is Bila The Radiant. Bila is another Magic Monster that I like using because not only does the magic attack hit straight home, Bila is also a Life Leech, which means its health increases everytime it does damage to the opposition monster. So I'd imagine that before my front man dies twice, Bila would have piled up on Health.
Next on my lineup is the Divine Healer which restores a portion of health of the guy in the front.
Next, I have the Armoursmith which in addition to Chanseus, would also be restoring the Shield of the Monster in the front. This gives me huge lifeline most times in battle, for instead of the opponent finishing off my monster in the front when it has just little health remaining, it would only have the shield to attack, after which either Chanceus restores its health back again, or restors its shield or the other healer in my rank restores its health (I am talking about the guy in the front).
Then the last guy on my line up which has been strategically arranged is the new and improved healer who also has 1 ranged attack. I am talking about the Venari Chyrstalsmith.
The Chrystalsmith complements the Divine healer so much because it has 2 speed against the Divine Healer's 1 and also has an attack. Which means, instead of both healers healing at once, one heals first, the monster takes a beating then the other one comes in again and heals. It makes more sense I think, because if both healers were of same speed, sometimes the healing energy would go to waste because the monter at the front might not need help from both at the same time.
The only Kryptonite to my lineup is the Magic monsters from the Water Splinter. I got annihilited so easily when I faced an oppontent who had Monsters with 3 magic attacks all through. No surviving that, not at all.
Below are some of the battles with this line up in action