Road to the top, tips for the new and not so new and my jacek purchase ES/EN

jacek portada.png

Ya estas saboreando el pedazo del pastel? o eres un simple mortal buscando una manera de distraerte pero de ganar dinero al mismo tiempo?
Splinterlands es para ti...asi que te dare varios consejos si eres nuevo o incluso si ya tienes tiempo jugando.

Estos consejos son mas para personas como yo que no tenemos el suficiente dinero para comprar mazos competitivos de ligas diamante o incluso oro.

Ire directo al punto y luego contare mi historia si es que quieren leerla.

Are you already savoring your piece of the pie? or are you a mere mortal looking for a way to distract yourself but earn money at the same time?
Splinterlands is for you... so I'll give you some tips if you are new to the game or even if you have been playing for a while.

These tips are more for people like me who don't have enough money to buy competitive diamond or even gold league decks.

I'll get straight to the point and then tell my story if you want to read it.

Consejo numero 1.

Tip number 1.

Por favor, por lo que mas quieras, NO, !Escuchame¡ No vendas tus pelacor y tus venaris

Son cartas muy buenas pero que muchos las desechan porque son "regaladas".

Asi que te dire algo muy importante ¿Sabias que hay personas que juegan en liga oro-diamante solo con cartas rewards? lo sabias? ,me imagino que no porque estas regalando tus cartas comunes en el mercado.

Please, for the love of God, NO, listen to me! Don't sell your pelacor and your venaris!

They are very good cards but many people throw them away because they are "given away".

So I will tell you something very important. Did you know that there are people who play in gold-diamond league only with rewards cards? did you know that? I guess not because you are giving away your regular cards in the market.


Ves eso?el equipo de abajo esta conformado un 90% de cartas rewards, el invocador junto con 4 de 5 cartas son ediciones rewards, estas personas que juegan desde la edicon "beta" y han ido acumulando rewards, mejorandolas y intercambiandolas, hoy juegan con mazos echos a base de cartas rewards y esa batalla es solo un ejemplo de muchos jugadores un poco antiguos, juegan en base a cartas rewards.

See that?the team below is made up of 90% rewards cards, the summoner along with 4 of 5 cards are rewards editions, these people who play since the "beta" edition and have been accumulating rewards, improving them and exchanging them, today play with decks made of rewards cards and that battle is just an example of many players a bit older, they play based on rewards cards.


Aqui el ultra mega supremo super saiyajin ganando partidas(diamante) con solo cartas rewards...tapo los nombres porque la partida no es mia, es una de muchas que eh visto donde las rewards dominan.

Entonces, quizas estes pensando "ya es tarde para mi, esas rewards no las volveran a dar", tienes razon, pero daran nuevas y a eso es que debes apuntar, acumular cartas rewards de chaos legion y luego en su momento acumular cartas rewards de rebellion cuando salga esta edicion, no es un camino rapido , pero es el mejor a elegir si no tienes los miles de dolares que se nesecitan para completar mazos de nivel diamante

Here is the ultra mega supreme super saiyajin winning games (diamond) with only rewards cards...I cover the names because the game is not mine, it is one of many that I have seen where the rewards dominate.

So, you may be thinking "it's too late for me, those rewards won't be given again", you're right, but they will give new ones and that's what you should aim for, accumulate chaos legion rewards cards and then in due time accumulate rebellion rewards cards when this edition comes out, it's not a fast way, but it's the best to choose if you don't have the thousands of dollars you need to complete diamond level decks.

Consejo numero 2.

Tip number 2.

Juega torneos, no es facil. Hay muchas agilas esperando el dia de inicio de algun torneo para afilar sus garras con sus mejores cartas y dirigirse sin compasion alguna por otros jugadores

Pero, eso es lo mejor,ya sea si estas en bronce, plata, oro o cualquier liga, siempre es bueno jugar contra los mejores.

Al princio talvez no ganes ningun torneo pero igual participa y aprende, cuando pierdas en algun torneo, no simplemente digas "bueno, perdi" y te vayas a hacer que sabe que cosa, quedate un momento y observa las partidas de los primeros lugares, analizalos ¿Por que ganaron? aprende de ellos y mejora como jugador, a largo plazo te traera muy buenos resultados.

Las ganancias en los torneos es algo mucho mas fijo si eres buen jugador, no es como los cofres donde dependes puramente de suerte.

Play tournaments, it's not easy. There are many eagles waiting for the opening day of a tournament to sharpen their claws with their best cards and go after other players without any compassion whatsoever.

But, that's the best thing, whether you are in bronze, silver, gold or any league, it's always good to play against the best.

At first you may not win any tournament but still participate and learn, when you lose in a tournament, do not just say "well, I lost" and go to do who knows what, stay a moment and watch the games of the first places, analyze why they won, learn from them and improve as a player, in the long run will bring you very good results.

Winnings in tournaments is something much more fixed if you are a good player, it is not like chests where you depend purely on luck.

Consejo numero 3.

Tip number 3.

Escribe post en peakd.

no creo que no tengas tiempo de dedicarle unas 2 horas a la semana en crear un post.

@splinterlands tienes 3 retos semanales muy entretenidos donde puedes emplear tu creatividad...los curadores votaran tu post dependiendo de que tan bueno sea.

Esto es bueno en dos cosas, la primera es que aumentaria tus creditos de recuersos con los HP que ganes de los post, los creditos de recuersos(RC) se gastan con cada movimiento que hagas en la red hive, ya sea alquilar cartas, vender una carta, comprar una carta, publicar un post, votar en post de otras personas... y creeme que es muy malo querer alquilar unas cartas y tener el RC en 1%, no puedes, no te dejaria alquilar.

Puedes comprar cartas con el HBD que ganes, usarlos para tus alquileres o lo que quieras¿Quieres gastar los HBD en packs y que esos 10$ se conviertan en 2$ porque no te cayo nada malditamente bueno? adelante, nadie te detiene.

Pero lo mejor es crecer en conjunto,lo que ganes, reinviertelo,mejora tu cuenta,sube de liga,aumenta tus recompensas al igual que crece tu popularidad en hive, obten mas votos, no solo te quedes haciendo post de splinterlands, haz lo que quieras, las posibilidades son infinitas.

Write a post on peakd.

I don't think you don't have time to dedicate about 2 hours a week to create a post.

@splinterlands you have 3 fun weekly challenges where you can use your creativity...the curators will vote on your post depending on how good it is.

This is good in two ways, the first is that it would increase your resource credits with the HP you earn from the posts, the resource credits (RC) are spent with every move you make in the hive network, whether it is renting cards, selling a card, buying a card, publishing a post, voting on other people's posts... and believe me it is very bad to want to rent some cards and have the RC at 1%, you can't, it won't let you rent.

You can buy cards with the HBD you earn, use them for your rentals or whatever you want. Do you want to spend the HBD on packs and have that 10$ turn into 2$ because you didn't get anything damn good? go ahead, no one is stopping you.

But the best thing is to grow as a whole, what you earn, reinvest it, improve your account, move up the league, increase your rewards as your popularity grows in hive, get more votes, don't just keep making splinterlands posts, do whatever you want, the possibilities are endless.

Y por ultimo, consejo numero 4.

Se constante, enfocate en las metas y no te rindas, se positivo.

And finally, tip number 4.

Be consistent, focus on your goals and don't give up, be positive.


Mi historia / My story

Veamos, que tampoco es mucho, no os vengo a contar aqui "la sombra del viento" de Carlos Ruiz Zafón (exelente libro, se los recomiendo) pero si que quiero presentarme y decirles quien soy.

Me llamo Bryan Lopez, 21 años; casi los 22 en diciembre.

Vengo de "juegos nft" de la red bsc cuando aquello fue el "BOOMM" de internet.

Gracias a dios no sali estafado, pude entrar un poco a tiempo y sacarles algo de ganancia que luego por mi inmadurez mental y economica lo mal gaste todo.

Bien, conoci splinterlands buscando una manera de ganar algo de dinero y que mejor que hacerlo jugando tambien.

Asi que, probe el tutorial y me gusto un poco, segui jugando partidas aun sin pagar el libro y me encanto, el juego de cartas que habia estado buscando hace tiempo y mucho mejor,pues puedo ganar algo de dinero con el, lo tenia para comprar el libro jajajajajaja.

investigue un poco y vi que podia conseguir un codigo para obtener un libro gratis aunque despues de un buen rato no logre conseguir nada por ningun lado.

entre al discord de esplinterlands para preguntar a ver si alguien me vendia un codigo de esos, me iba a costar mucho menos que comprar el libro directamente me decia para mis adentros.

Nadie tenia.

Un mavericks me respondio, en ese momento pensaba que era un administrador del grupo, su nombre de color naraja diferenciaba del resto

Dijo que me podia pagar el libro y que yo se lo fuera pagando poco a poco.

Accedi... cuando le pregunte en que moneda podia pagarlo o como, simplemente me dijo "jugando"

Le doy gracias a @sayee que me regalo el libro de echizos , a dia de hoy todavia estoy muy agradecido, en ese tiempo no tenia mucho dinero, hoy si tengo un poco mas y espero retribuir esa buena accion que el hizo, quizas no a ella pero las buenas acciones se contagian y si yo soy bueno con alguien, es seguro que ese alguien sera bueno con otro mas.

Let's see, it's not much, I'm not here to tell you about "the shadow of the wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (excellent book, I recommend it) but I want to introduce myself and tell you who I am.

My name is Bryan Lopez, 21 years old; almost 22 in December.

I come from "nft games" from the bsc network when that was the "BOOMM" of the internet.

Thank god I didn't get scammed, I was able to get in a little bit in time and get some profit that later due to my mental and economical immaturity I misspent it all.

Well, I met splinterlands looking for a way to earn some money and what better way to do it than playing too.

So, I tried the tutorial and I liked it a little, I kept playing games even without paying the book and I loved it, the card game I had been looking for a long time and much better, because I can earn some money with it, the bad thing ... I did not have to buy the book hahahahahahaha.

I did some research and I saw that I could get a code to get a free book but after a while I couldn't get anything anywhere.

I entered the splinterlands discord to ask if someone could sell me one of those codes, it would cost me much less than buying the book directly, I said to myself.

Nobody had one.

A mavericks answered me, at the time I thought he was an administrator of the group, his orange name differentiated him from the rest.

He said that he could pay me for the book and that I could pay him little by little.

I agreed... when I asked him in what currency I could pay him or how, he simply said "playing".

I thank @sayee who gave me the book of echizos, to this day I am still very grateful, at that time I did not have much money, today I have a little more and I hope to repay that good deed he did, maybe not to her but good deeds are contagious and if I am good to someone, it is certain that someone will be good to someone else.


Esta era mi coleccion de cartas hasta hace unas semanas,tenia muchas mas pero fue vendiendolas, tuve una oportunidad de inversion, no tenia mucho dinero pero ahi tenia las cartas, unos 40$ si las vendia, asi que las vendi prometiendo recomprarlas.

A esto me referia con el consejo numero 1, acumular rewards, yo las estaba maxiando, en algun momento gracias a esas rewards podria al fin jugar sin nesecidad de alquilar o simplemente alquilar una que otra carta para complementar.

This was my collection of cards until a few weeks ago, I had many more but I was selling them, I had an investment opportunity, I didn't have much money but there I had the cards, about 40$ if I sold them, so I sold them promising to buy them back.

This is what I meant by tip number 1, accumulate rewards, I was maxing them, at some point thanks to those rewards I could finally play without the need to rent or simply rent one or another card to complement.


mi inversion dio frutos pero mi pensamiento cambio un poco.

me plantie la siguiente pregunta ¿es mejor maxiar las rewards de nuevo o comprar las legendarias que seran muy importantes en el futuro?

Me decidi por comprar las legendarias que a mi parecer seran las mas importantes cuando las ediciones untamed y dice salgan de "modern"...para las rewards aun tengo tiempo, comprare estas primero que son mas escasa y luego compro las rewards nuevamente

my investment paid off but my thinking changed a little bit.

I asked myself the following question: is it better to max the rewards again or to buy the legendaries that will be very important in the future?

I decided to buy the legendaries that I think will be the most important when the untamed and dice editions come out of "modern"...for the rewards I still have time, I will buy these first that are scarcer and then I will buy the rewards again.



Tengo 16$ en creditos,pero reunire un poco mas en los proximos dias y comprare otro jacek, lo subire a nivel 3 para utilizarlo en la liga oro, es el punto medio para mi,mas adelante lo maxiare pero primero lo subire a nivel 3.

El corpse fiend de elemento muerte lo compro antes que el jacek, no lo vendere y comprare el de fuego cuando termine de subir a jacek nivel 3.

I have 16$ in credits, but I will gather a little more in the next days and I will buy another jacek, I will raise it to level 3 to use it in the gold league,
it is the middle point for me, later I will max it but first I will raise it to level 3.

The corpse fiend of death element I buy it before the jacek, I will not sell it and I will buy the fire one when I finish to raise jacek level 3.








Estas son las legendarias de CL que tengo en la mira para comprarlas, pero primero, jacek nivel 3.

Quiero tener las que creo seran mas importante en jugabilidad, esas son las que costaran mas, asi que mejor las compro ahora.

Quisiera dejar de alquilar cartas para jugar desde ya, pero mi progreso sera un poco lento, pero seguro, se que algun dia subire a champion solo con cartas propias.

These are the CL legendaries that I have in my sights to buy, but first, jacek level 3.

I want to have the ones that I think will be more important in playability, those are the ones that will cost more, so I better buy them now.

I would like to stop renting cards to play from now on, but my progress will be a little slow, but sure, I know that someday I will go up to champion only with my own cards.

My twitter BryanLz8764

my game referral link here

Gracias por leer mi post / Thanks for reading my post

Un diseño simple pero perfecto, que nunca te falte tu venari en partidas de bajo mana.

A simple but perfect design, never miss your venari in low mana games.


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