

We made it, we have arrived in 2022 and the first thing I want to say to all the Bros is that I wish each and every one of you a great 2022! May everything go well in this new year and that together we will all see Bro rise to great heights. That we will stand strong TOGETHER and that the connection we have as Bro's will bring us much prosperity.


Of course we want to be the first to know what Bro's numbers were at the end of this year. And many of you have already seen that, there are always people who have not been online so much around and during this holiday season.

So for anyone who missed it, check out the latest stats blog from @brofund. We ended the year with a bang!

And if you end the year with a bang, then now in the new year it's nice to know what the prospects are, or rather could be. @raymondspeaks has written a nice blog about what the plans are for the coming time.

If you missed this one during the holidays, it's worth reading.

Great things are to be expected and we look positively ahead to 2022

Now that we've all seen what the plans are for Brofund, it's time to dive into the Tribes. Because plans will certainly have been announced from most Tribes. It therefore seems to me an excellent time to take a look IF and if so, WHAT the plans are in the various Tribes in which Brofund is invested.

Tribe News

In the new year we will immediately start with;


It's been Hive's biggest crowd puller for quite some time now. The most active Blockchain game, and more such honorary titles, but that is all less important to Bro. It's just one of our investments for us as Bros! So for that alone we would like to see that Splinterlands is doing well. And the way I look at it, we don't have to worry for the time being.

Splinterlands is busy developing the game in many ways. The team is being expanded to better accommodate everything. Because with the enormous growth that Splinterlands has experienced this year, it has become increasingly difficult to implement the necessary developments and expansions.

Fortunately, the founders of Splinterlands are not sleepers, and they have made every effort to expand the team, which also improves the game itself.

You can read what happened last year in this summary. And The Splintershards plans for the coming year have also been announced. Follow the link if you wanna know!

If you ask me, the coming year looks positive for Splinterlands, but we'll have to wait and see. Of course, a lot also depends on how the crypto market will perform in general. We will review it at the end of 2022, in any case, the Bros are there!

We'll stay in the games for a while this week. The next tribe is completely dedicated to the Blockchain games and the NFTs. We are of course talking about;

1-UP (Oneup)

In the Oneup announcement blog was written about a proprietary game that was in development. The ChiFiBots.

Here I quote the following from this blog;

The Future Of 1UP

This is just the beginning. We, the founders, want to develop bridges for NFTs to other blockchains, starting with Aspire, where we created NFT Studios and build our own game ChiFiBots. We want to both bring our assets from there to HIVE and vice-versa. 1UP can become the marketplace the easily swaps assets between your games.

And now, nearly 3 months after the launch of Oneup Outpost, the Pre-sale for ChiFiBots Announced,

If you are a gamer who also wants to earn with the games that are played, then I would definitely look further. It also explains everything about what ChiFiBots exactly, and you can already read a bit of fascinating background information that might come in handy later on.

The year is ushered in with a good bang and the tone is set for the further course of this year. It looks exciting, the story sounds exciting and you have the chance to be there early!

They already achieved their initial target of 50K USD!

What are you waiting for?

The next tribe in our Newspaper is;


I could not yet find any clear-cut plans for Leofinance for this new year. But knowing Leofinance, that certainly does not mean that there are no plans. We just have to wait a little longer. Not a big deal, because while we wait for the plans for the new year, you'll have time to deal with the latest update from the old year!

In the last days of 2021, the news came that Leofinance has given an older tool a new look. Yes, you read that right! HiveStats has been completely updated! With this update, HiveStats has become much faster and more functionalities can be found. For anyone who wants to keep track of their Hive activities, and track the Hive account for personal growth, HiveStats has become a tool that you can hardly ignore.

As if that wasn't enough, Leofinance decided to start a contest right away. So if you are interested in winning 500 Leo... Then dive into your personal HiveStats and read before you start the Leofinance post so you know what to look out for for a chance to win that great prize at the start of a new year!

If you decide to go for it, good luck to ya'll Bro's!

One of our Bro's has started a new exciting project. A defi token with INCREASING dividends! We're talking here about;

Hive Builder

An interesting project with an increasing dividend that starts at 10% in the first week (dividends expected to start at January 8th), and every week there will be added 1% until the dividends reach the 40% in week 30!

And that's not all there is to say, another very interesting thing that they have thought of very well, is that sometimes there's that thing we call "LIFE". Sometimes you just need to sell your tokens, no matter if you like that or not. And with many tokens there is just not enough liquidity to sell your tokens which results in a loss. That's not what we like to see, do we?

Hive Builder takes this into account and will start with building a buy wall within two weeks from the start! This buy wall will be at 0.1 HIVE, the same price that you bought your tokens. This means, you will make money as long as you hold your tokens in your wallet, and when you need to sell you can do that without any loss.

For all the information you need I gladly refer you to the announcement post, and if you need more information, just jump in the discord

And yes, BRO's are supporting a fellow BRO!

From a Hive Builder we quickly move on to a City Builder;

Meta City of Neoxian

The great Mr. Dragon, @neoxian, himself already told us that he planned to continue building his city in 2022. And one of the first things is that we can now enjoy a game in the City on Element

Read the post the great Mr. Dragon wrote to learn All you need to know about the game. But don't forget that you have to be in Element to play this game!

For everyone who is in the City, I'd like to say, "Happy Jinxing"

You probably notice that I didn't mention what you can win with this game, and you're right! I didn't mention that. Why not? Because Neoxian likes to see people engaging in the City, and if you are interested to play the game you are probably interested enough to join in the City fun. Because there is much more to enjoy!

See you on Element in The Meta City of Neoxian!

The next tribe is very active on Discord, they also love to game, and gamify their Discord also. We're talking about;


Yesterday evening I clicked a round of Discord, and ended up in the Pizza Discord. Unfortunately I don't have that much time to be really active in Discord, (we all know how time-consuming it can be). But last night while clicking for news I fell in the middle of a fun Trivia game in the Pizza Discord. I lingered for a while, chatted along, listened to the music playing in the voice channel, and gambled on some questions from @thebeardflex, and I was sure of other answers. But to make a long story short...I won some Pizza and so my Pizza stake can be upped a bit again.

And the latter, increasing that stake, could become very important. Because the staking rewards are really going to happen in the not too distant future. The Beard Flex promised! You will get a lot of other updates too! Well, if you're going to read the blog.

Another project from one of our Bro Dragons is;


Since the very beginning of Poly Pixels, The Mancave has had a Poly Pixel to advertise there. And with almost 10% of Poly Pixels sold now, according to @abrockman, it's time to work towards the next step in the coming year.

And that next step will be to actively work on onboarding more advertisers, and plans are in place to launch a native token! Where it may seem calm, many preparations are in full swing and the development of Poly Pixels is certainly not standing still. AJ's vision is there, his knowledge is there and Poly Pixels will continue to grow in the coming year.

A growth for Poly Pixels means more eyes on The Mancave ... Win-win situation. And the plans for a native token sound very exciting to me personally. I'd say keep an eye out, this could be a gem. Not a get-rich-quick project, but a solid investment for the future. With AJ's long-term vision, this should work out.

Now AJ is of course also a supporter of Bro, and when I asked him what he would like to say to the Bros this was his answer;

I am very excited about bro, it's a great community! I also think this year will show some of the biggest returns We have ever seen. Everybody should have some Bro in their portfolio!

If those aren't positive words? And if you're thinking about selling your Bro now that @raymondspeaks is working on liquidity, maybe you should think again after hearing these words from none other than @abrockman.

After checking all this updates, I feel it's time to start working on your goals. Yes, your goals! In the past few days I have seen so many people blog about their goals for HIVE. And most of what I have read, is that everyone here wants to grow the Hive Power. Lots of ambitious people around here.

I also saw some people blogging that they are hoping for HIVE to moon really hard and soon, and guess what? We all have our responsibility to make HIVE moon!

Last week I was reading in HiveWatchers Discord, and I saw a message from @guiltyparties. The message he sent impressed me. There is such great truth in these words, and it cannot be emphasized enough. How you fill this in is up to you, of course, but we all have a responsibility to make sure HIVE can moon! So at the start of this new year, I'd like to share these words with all of you.

The message from @guiltyparties was the following;

Everyone here wants to see a $10 HIVE, a $50 HIVE, a $100 HIVE. But we won't get there if we fill Hive with shitposts, plagiarism, recycled content, gibberish and botnets. Hive needs to be seen as a quality blockchain to reach those goals which benefit everyone. Our groundbreaking technology is being overshadowed by the perception people have of Hive. When you fill Hive with crap you're shooting yourself in the wallet. You're doing worse damage to your own income than any downvote can do. Our listing exchanges, our 'partners', journalists, investors, they all look at the surface. Before you start claiming that you 'made a mistake', think about what all these 'mistakes' added up to and what it cost Hive.

Think about these words of wisdom when you're going to write your next blog. Maybe a blog for one of the many;

Contests & Challenges

Wish you all good luck when you're going to enter a contest. Make sure to read the announcement posts before entering, and give it your best!

Now that you're all thinking about the contests, and which contest deserves your attention, maybe it's time to think back to how you ended 2021. Have you achieved everything you wanted to achieve? Did you do everything you wanted to do? And have you made any resolutions for 2022? I haven't made any resolutions for myself for years, but I prefer to set myself some (achievable) goals that I want and can work towards during the year. But;

Did You Know That?

  • @ecoinstant wants us to wait with all the talk about setting goals and working towards the goals we've set because his New Years celebration gave him a heavy head. He assured us that he's doing good now, but that it'll probably take him few days to get back on track. No more beer for the next few days.

  • That's not much of a drama in itself. In any case, you can say with certainty that he had a good New Year's Eve. @raymondspeaks on the other hand. He was so very happy that these days are all over. He wants nothing more than to just go back to the old days, hang out on his PC, chat with the Bros, play a little bit and play with his son in his time... All that family stuff really made Ray almost lost his mind. Thankfully, he made it through the holidays unscathed, and we're pretty much back to pre-holiday life.

  • And then we have @xawi. She looks at the culture of celebrating Christmas with a longing each year. And her romantic heart would love nothing more than the holiday season with her "Everything" next to the warm lights of the Christmas tree. Thankfully, there's always the New Year AND her birthday on January 1, to celebrate and hopefully it's been a blast for her. From all Bros, "Very happy belated birthday Xawi", admittedly a little late, but no less sincere!

  • For @themarkymark, the new year didn't start very well. Covid has taken hold of him and his son. From all Bros a heartfelt wish you get well soon! Hopefully things will get back on track soon. A little tip I heard is that you could have a chat with Iris Sparks. She is a great doctor and also known by Hive Punk ID: 7116.

  • The year wasn't off to a great start for @creativemary either. She was made aware that on steemit a person has created an account with her name, pretending to be her, if that wasn't enough, this person has been collecting rewards with this account for about 19 months now. Plus they shamelessly use the real @creativemary's posts here on Hive to get those rewards. The one and only @creativemary is only active on Hive!

It looks like the holidays have really left us, so maybe it's just time to get back to the everyday things. And so let's take a look at the state of affairs in the;

General Crypto News

And now that we have seen the crypto news, let's take a look at what is going on in the world;

News of the World

With this news we're coming to the end of this first edition of the BRO Newspaper in 2022. And that gives me the opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year!

I'm sure that there will be a lot of people chatting in this year in The Mancave, so maybe it's a good time for you to join our Discord if you haven't done that already.

You can find us here;


Make sure to also give our TWITTER a follow

And a last note;

Don't forget that you can take on a subscription to this Newspaper! One tag each week when posting the newspaper. You can get it by just leaving a comment here that you want to take on a subscription, and if you want to get out, that's just as easy too. Just leave a comment that you want to cancel your subscription and it's done.

Have a Happy week Bros and the next Newspaper will be posted on Sunday as usual.

Thanks for your support!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 87 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


There is so much going on, so thank you for the summary. I've almost missed the Chibi presale and think will get some investment in there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You are so right, there is so much going on that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything. Good luck on your ChiFiBots investment.


Let's see if I do invest, as there are so many interesting projects popping up. I've got already $10k planned up for different projects, and the challenge is to gather them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you so very much for getting all of this news together in one place and explained so perfectly!


You're very welcome, and thank you for the compliment!


Thanks for keeping me updated! The Shadow Contest will be Awarding some DeFi tokens to contest winners during the next month so be sure and enter your shadow photos for a chance to win HBD, ECENCY POINTS and DEFI!


Thank you for the reply and the subscription to the Newspaper!

Interesting! I will see if I can get to it soon again. I've been so crazy busy lately. But I really want to participate again.


@brofund! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
dynamicrypto tipped brofund (x1)
@cervantes420(3/15) tipped @brofund (x1)
honeysaver tipped brofund (x1)

Join us in Discord!


We have chosen to support your post because you are one of the good promoters of Hive on Twitter based on our Hive Twitter Daily Report.

We appreciate your time and enthusiasm for promoting Hive!

Keep up the good job! 😍😍😍

This is done with the support of #theycallmedan and the #threespeak team.


Bro... Bro! Bro Bro!! I love you guys and #Hive!!! That is all. Have a freaking awesome 22!


Thanks so much for mentioning my story! It seems that the scammer has been blacklisted and exposed. I am happy to see such a wonderful response and support from the Hive community, thank you🤗


Great job pointing out all the contests, that's so helpful. !PIZZA
