RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics

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For me it's a yes to fixing Nid, but a no to making this the DAO's responsibility. However the yes trumps the no as Nid really needs fixing. Hopefully in the future we adjust the process so it's no the DAO's responsibility to meddle with card balancing however.


Couldn't agree more. Thank you for the support, BT. No matter how any of us have voted, the game design process should see refinement and improvement moving forward - let's mark this is as a one-off circumstance!


No doubt card design, balance and testing need improvement but I've seen too many "one-off circumstances" became permanent or last for decades in real life by governments.


Great callout. Perhaps a bit idealistic, but we have the chance to be better than that.


I know we aren't a "governament" but SPS is a governance token so, in a way, we are a "governament". I think we can certainly be better than that. Wether this passes or not, I would love to get a response from the team on this matter. I think it's very important to get a guarantee that just because a proposal to change a released card passes it doesn't mean it has to be implemented.

Let's be real: in card games there are always good cards and bad cards. Sometimes there are very good cards and very bad cards. And in rare cases, there are cards that are too good. A bad card doesn't affect the game in the same way a card that is too good does. We had Kitty running rampant for years when there was no Modern/Wild split plus all the time before Rebellion was released in Modern. Nothing was ever done to combat it. No nerf and no counter. Even Llama and Yodin had some counters printed. Tofu is very good but I don't think it's as good as Kitty, especially because it's not a dragon summoner. There's no guarantee that the dragon summoner has to be the best or very good. In fact, dragon summoners have an advantage over the rest of the summoners: they can play dragon cards plus the splinter of their choice. Sure, the dual summoners can also play 2 splinters but dragon cards are often better than comparable cards in other splinters and you can still choose which splinter to pair with dragon. For that reason, they should be slightly worse or cost a bit more mana. I do think Nidhoggr is underpowered but it is what it is.

Most importantly, we need to improve the testing process. Even MTG makes big mistakes all the time with cards getting banned because they are too powerful or have broken interactions. And their testing involves much more money, people and time. The game is also more complex but the point is that mistakes can still happen despite having a good card testing process. We need to have a good one to reduce the chances of mistakes. That's the biggest takeway from all of this.
