Play to earn which is also known as P2E is now becoming a booming part in the gaming system,this is due to the fact that people are looking for several ways to earn reward from they do.gone are the days when only the company that owns the games earns while the players earn nothing but right now the narrative is changing.most game players now have the opportunity to earn reward while playing the game. Earning rewards could come through the playing of video games. It no doubt that the P2E system is about investment and earning in play to earn has happened to be part of the gaming system that is growing rapidly.
P2E is a subdivision of gaming that allows gamers to farm in game assests which they can either exchange or sell them.there is no way we want to talk about the concept f gaming without Blockchain because it is the platform on which most play to earn game are built,nft also plays an important role in making the play to earn game concepts a reality.the P2E games has given it users the opportunity to earn in real world games,this is something that doesn't happen before but now both parties earn.P2E I s given peoples the opportunity to make money in many countries,as you know anything that has to do with Blockchain always comes with Avery huge return .this days P2E is attracting the attention of many developers due to the potential future of it.
Without nft it might be somehow hard to bring P2E to existence so nft is usually needed in P2E,it helps you to get started and later recover.playing and earning from P2E is not difficult,all that is needed is consistency by given it enough time everyday so as to earn from the market,there are many P2E games,the ranges vast so you can make your choices.
As I have earlier said nfts plays a considerable part in thing about nft is that they can't be copied because they are unique in nature,so as a gamer it means you earn one kind of nft that can be added to your collection in real life world which you can sell for real money,so with Blockchain technology it means that those nfts earn can be turned into monetary good in no is just a way the system reward it users just like cryptos.for you to be able to earn from P2E you will definitely have to invest in the game you want to play.remember I said there is a vast ranges of P2E.