Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Noxious Fumes
Hello! This post is for the entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Noxious Fumes as the ruleset. For this post, we have a game that features Noxious Fumes as well as Shades of Grey which made the game more interesting.
Noxious Fumes
All units are Poisoned at the start of the game.
- Units with Immunity are not poisoned.
- This is a one-time application - units that are Cleansed, Resurrected or Rebirthed will not be re-applied with poison.
- Enrage is triggered by Poison application.
In general, units with Immunity, Cleanse looks like a good choice since it doesn't get units Poisoned. Other abilities like Resurrect is powerful, because they only get poisoned at the start of the game. You could also use high health monsters, Life Leech, Heal to help units against poison damage.
Battle Info
Rank: Modern Bronze
Avaliable Type: Fire, Water, Earth, Death
Mana: 49
Noxious Fumes: All units are Poisoned at the start of the game.
Shades of Grey: Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.
Aimless: All Units have the Scattershot ability.
The ruleset was frustrating to see. Shades of Grey really limits the option to make a good team that would survive Noxious Fumes. It was also a Modern battle, which meant that only neutral CL and Rebellion cards are able to be used. At least, the mana limit for this battle was high so I was able to use any cards that I want to use.
My Lineup
Summoner: Lorkus. For the Summoner, I picked Lorkus. It gives +1 melee and +1 magic attack to our team, as well as some extra ability choices. For this battle, I chose Life Leech and Affliction. It is a duel element summoner, but it does not make a difference against normal summoners in this game due to Shades of Grey.
First position: Ulundin Overseer. For the Tank, I went with Ulundin Overseer. I was hoping that it would soak some of the enemy's attacks that the back units would get hit much later. It also has Flank so I could put another Melee Tank unit at the second position.
Second position: Arkemis the Bear. Then, I went with another high cost unit which was Arkemis the Bear. Protect is helpful but not much because Poison bypasses armor. I gave Life Leech since it has high health and from the start it could attack at the second position while not getting hit until Ulundin Overseer falls.
Third position: Venari Marksrat. Than, I just went with a Martyr unit which gives +1 to adjacent units when it dies because I was running out of options.
Fourth position: Xenith Monk. By putting Life Leech on Xenith Monk, I was hoping that it would gain tons of health and therefore getting more heal. However it cannot attack because it would not be at the first position until Arkemis the Bear is down.
Fifth position: Magi of Chaos. Than, I went for Magi of Chaos which is just a simple, steady magic attacker unit for 6 mana with decent health and speed.
Last position: Disintegrator. Lastly, I went for Disintegrator. In Shades of Grey, the choices are highly restricted, and I thought there would be some melee attackers so I tried to counter it and also try to soak some Sneak attacks(Uraeus) in case they decide .
Battle Link: HERE
Round 1
The enemy monsters were revealed and I was pretty surprised that they used a lot of Ranged monsters, since Ranged monsters tend to have less health and it cannot attack from the first position. They also used Possibilius which gives +2 health to all while also giving Trample and Reach.
Round 1 started and we both were exchanging blows, but it was not really impacting the game since the hits are random. Venari Marksrat was down to 1 health and Gargoya Devil on the enemy team was down to only 2 health after Round 1, but the rest of the damage was blocked by the armor.
Round 2
Round 2 started and the Poison damage took down both Venari Marksrat and Gargoya Devil, and martyr ability of Venari Marksrat was triggered. In Round 2, we both exchanged blows, and since my enemy had more powerful units, they were able to take down Magi of Chaos.
Round 3
After the poison damage, Legionnaire Alvar was at only 1 health and was quickly taken down by Arkemis the Bear. It also triggered its Life Leech ability for the first time, because hitting armor does not trigger Life Leech.
Round 4
Gobson Bomber was not able to attack because of Poison. It was really good for me because it is a unit with Recharge ability, which makes it attack only once in 2 rounds. Disintegrator in our team also was taken down by the poison damage, followed by Ulundin Overseer which only had 1 health after poison.
Round 5
After poison took out Arkemis the Bear in my team and Magi of Chaos, Rune Crafter on the enemy team, they only had Drybone Raider with 1 health while I had Xenith Monk with heal ability and some health.
Thoughts about this battle
The battle did not go as planned for me, since Lorkus's Life Leech was not really impacting the game because of Armor, but I was somehow just able to win the battle by the heal ability from Xenith Monk. If I chose another monster without heal, they could've somehow won the battle.
Thanks to all the people that read this post!
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