Battle Mage Secrets #2. Equal Opportunity Ruleset

This week's ruleset: Equal Opportunity


All units gain the Opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

This ruleset gives the game an interesting dynamic, as melee monsters get the option to attack from the back line. Also, since the Opportunity ability targets units with the least amount of health, you can create a trap to divert the damage dealt.

Here is a link to a battle that clearly confirms the above theses.

Let's look more closely
FireShot Capture 074  Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle!
The beginning of the battle. As a summoner, I have chosen GRANDMASTER RATHE. It gives the following abilities:

  • Armor - All friendly monsters have +1 armor.
  • Void armor - Magic attacks hit this unit's armor before its health.
  • Amplify - Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy units by 1.

As a tank - CHAOS KNIGHT with the ability Shild that reduces Melee and Ranged attacks by 50%.

At the back line:

  • Silvershield Knight with the Inspire ability
  • ADELADE BRIGHTWING with the Repair ability
  • Silvershield Assassin with the Sneak and Double Strike abilities
  • Crystal Werewolf with the Silence ability
  • GARGOYA SCRAPPER with the Void ability

The picture below shows all applied abilities
FireShot Capture 078  Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle!

As is not hard to see, GARGOYA SCRAPPER acts as a trap.

After the first round
FireShot Capture 075  Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle!
I lost my trap with 2 health points, my opponent lost a tank with 10 HP

After the second round
FireShot Capture 076  Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle!
I have no losses, the enemy lost a mage on the back line.

The End
FireShot Capture 077  Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle!

The card with 2 HP and 1 MANA survived four blows and largely determined the outcome of the battle.

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