Redemption Strategy in Lost Legendary Ruleset


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what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I am sharing my battle this time in new format of battle challenge that discussion about cannot using Legendary monster ruleset. That is Lost Legendaries ruleset. Basically this ruleset is cannot using only legendary monster which is the legendary monster is very powerfull and almost in every battle is very usefull. Without legendary monster maybe we all need to more carefull to arrange the line up. But, fortunately we still can using Legendary Summoners. So we can combine the ability of the Legendary Summoner with some of monster from common until Epic Rarities monster.


Lost Legendaries ruleset is make both player cannot using Legendary monster only, but we still can using legendary summoners. At least we can utilize the ability from the Legendary Summoners which the ability is pretty good and usefull in the battle. But, somehow in this ruleset we still think and feel something missing. Yeah i can feel that too, legendary monster are very powerfull and usefull from my point on view. even less the ability from Legendary Monster is crutial and very helpfull to make arrangement of our line up easily. But, the ruleset is absolute we need to change that and obey the rule. So, we need to think outside the box a little bit to using monster from common until epic monster this time. In this battle we can see that never ever underestimate what common cards can do, even they are almost get underestimated but with nice arrangement it will be destructive and very pleasing to to look.


Strategy Phase

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As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset. This time the first ruleset is Born Again that means All monsters have rebirth ability. The second ruleset is Taking Sides that means Neutral monsters may not be used in battles. and the third ruleset is the one that the ruleset challenge that is Lost Legendaries that means Legendary units may not be used.Legendary summoners are still available. The manacap in this battle is very very low only 21 manacap.Element that cannot be used is Water element and Dragon element. I think this battle is very hard for me since i am using my scholar account from Balthazar guild. With only Chaos Legion Edition that maxed level, still very hard to compete the others. especially in low manacap battle. So lets see what i am preparing on this battle. Usually when comes to low mana battle i am using either water element or light element. this 2 elements is pretty good at low manacap battle. but this time i am using light element since the water element cannot be used.Okay this is the cards that i arrange in this battle,you can see in the table below

SummonerScreenshot (2360).pngThe reason i am using this summoners because i want to using light element and the lowest mana cost summoners that available just this one so i am using this instead using Grandmaster Rathe that costing 6 mana
Frontline Tanker I am using this monster as a frontliner tanker to hold opponent monster that using magic monster with magic reflect it can counter the damage taken to opponent magic monster and if the opponent using melee or range monster this monster will have chance to dodge the attack with flying ability and high of speed if the RNG is equal. Sometimes the RNG never equal and sides with the opponent.
Back Attacker I am using this monster and placing in the second position to make assure this monster having 1 or 2 round leeching the opponent backliner and if my frontliner tanker defeated this monster can subtitutes as a fronliner tanker too. With Life Leech ability this monster can adding maximum HP every gives damage to the opponent.
SupportI am using this monster because i need support my frontliner tanker to holding longer as it can to repel any opponent attack. So,with tank heal ability this monster can still heal my frontliner tank and this monster can be an attacker too with 2 range damage plus 1 buff damage from my General Sloan abiility as summoner. it will be good choice.
Debuff Support & Attacker I am using this monster because this monster give slow effect to the opponent and can reduce the shield with rust ability. so the opponent may not having shield to protect from melee and range attack. Hoping that my Stitch Leech can leech some HP first before this monster defeated or my frontliner tanker defeated. And with slow ability it will make my team get more Speed than the opponent.
Attacker & Tanker I am using this monster and placing in the back because i am prepared that if the opponent using backliner attacker this monster can be used as backtanker liner too. but if the opponent did not using any sneak monster this monster have time to adding more HP before this monster can be as a frontliner tanker and can substitute my tanker and attacker at once.
Attacker I am using this monster to attacking the lowest HP to opponent monster. with that i can reducing the opponent power and hopefully this monster can gives some impact to this battle. I am placing on the last line up because this monster having flying ability so if the opponent using sneak monster. Hopefully this monster can dodge the attack using flying ability.

So this is my line up arrangement. Hopefully i can win this battle. My target is can cleaning up using Celestial Harpy with opportunity ability and can holding much damage with my frontliner tanker. both having flying ability that have 25% chance to dodge the attack. But, this line up is very fragile due the low HP my team have.So, lets see how the battle going



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First of all i did not expect that opponent using death element, second of all i did not expect that Immortal Gods player still stuck in diamond. Usually they are in leaderboard and far away so i am never encountered them before. or i should say they are bot before. But, still this player i know is very strong opponent and my battle skill set is not as good as this player.Lets see the battle going shall we.

Round 1 Part 1

As usual in the first round both parties get buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters.
In this situation my team got

  • My team got Debuff 1 Speed from opponent Cursed Windeku Slow ability
  • My team got Debuff 1 magic attack and HP from opponent Thaddius Brood as summoner ability
  • My team got Buff 1 Range attack from my General Sloan as summoner ability

In opponent team got

  • Opponent team got Debuff 1 Speed from my Time Mage Slow ability
  • Opponent team got Debuff Shield from my Time Mage Rust ability
  • Opponent team got Buff 1 Melee attack from opponent Ravenhood Warden Inspire ability
    *Opponent team got Buff Shield from opponent Ravenhood Warden Protect ability

In early game i think i can win this battle but, due lack of HP in my team the redemption party is very very bad situation for me especially in Born Again ruleset. In first movement my Time Mage can defeated opponent Cursed Slimeball and the effect all my team got 1 damage from redemption.

Round 1 Part 2

Okay lets continue the first round after all my team got 1 damage by redemption from Cursed Slimeball. The Cursed Slimeball come back alive due Born Again ruleset. And this time my Venari Crystalsmith defeated opponent Cursed Slimeball the second time and make my team got 1 damage again. Thankfully my team can holding on this time.
Then my Celestial Harpy defeated opponent Carrion Shade for the first time and got reborn again and my Stitch leech can defeated Carrion Shade for the second time. And what make cool that all the rest of the opponent attack except Life Sapper miss attacking my Pelacor Conjurer. In the end of round 1 still my team seems like leading this battle.

Round 2 Part 1

Round 2 my luck runs out all opponent monster can hit my Pelacor Conjurer thats why my Pelacor Conjurer defeated in early round 2 but can be reborn again. And my Stitch leech can defeated opponent Life Sapper for the first time.

Round 2 Part 2

Still on round 2 Due the redemption from opponent Life Sapper my Pelacor Conjurer defeated for second time and my Time Mage defeated for first time and opponent life sapper born again. In this round my team seems like disorganized and my defense began to crumble. Yet my Stitch Leech did not having much HP to be a frontliner tanker add more the opponent Cursed Windeku having Heal and Thorns ability that can crushing my Stitch Leech anytime.

Round 3

In round 3 my Celestial harpy can defeated opponent Weirding Warrior for the first time, but opponent Cursed Windeku can heal and defeated my Stitch leech for the first time too.

Round 4

After my Stitch leech defeated one by one my strategy is crumbled and cannot hold down opponent line up. My Celestial harpy can defeated opponetn Weirding Warriors for the second time but still my team cannot handled Cursed Windeku,Cursed Windeku can defeated my Venari Crystalsmith for the first time. Healing ability still cannot repress the power of Cursed Windeku combined with inspire.

Round 5

In round 5 Opponent Life Sapper defeated my Venari Crystalsmith and following opponent Ravenhood Warden defeated my Time Mage. this will counting as my defeat i guess. with the complete component in opponent side my team will be lost this time.

Round 6- End

With easily opponent beating up my Vulguine even the HP is very high but yeah still cannot holding the damage of opponent army. So i am lost in this battle. But i can learn sthat redemption in Modern Format is still can be used and very helpfull in low mana battle.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Redemption Strategy in Lost Legendary Ruleset



Okay after experienced this battle even though i lost in this battle i can learn something important. That one powerfull monster can holding mini and lower mana cost monster. especially like Cursed Windeku in high level. Having heal and thorns ability can be something usefull in the battlefield. Second, i am very rare that player using Redemption strategy in Modern nowdays but, from this battle i can say that using redemption strategy in low manacap battle still can be usefull. it will make some impact damage to the opponent line up. third using Life Leech ability in low manacap battle is very important. with leeching opponent HP it will make opponent hardly defeated our monster. fourth, arranging low mana monster is very hard and need prepared for all condition. thats why i dont agree with battle helper. that is cheating you dont even think for yourself. it is bot that calculate the percentage of the battle outcome so yeah it is cheating mate. Or maybe you are all that using battle helper are weak people who cannot playing this simple game? yeah whatever the proposal of banned battle helper have been approved i guess. so no more cheating. be you that arrange the team and proud of yourself as a player not as a cheater.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
Thumbnail created using canva
All images taken from Splinterlands website


Perfect use of Redemption..that's great.
You can add one more weaken ability monster Undead Priest with redemption.
It will be more effective in low mana gameplay. Most of the cards were low health based in opponent's battle squad. Two rounds Redemption be enough for them.


the opponent cannot use Undead Priest i think that is alpha beta card right


Yes it is alpha beta card. But your lineup is great in Rebirth.


it is opponent line up that great mate..mine is the lose one. but i can learn something from this battle


Ha ha ha. What a foolish act by me.
Actually my focus was over winning team and I was thinking that really it would be your team, did not focus over username. Anyway, that's was a perfect line up from your opponent.
Have a nice Sunday mate.🙏🙏


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